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two women...two man...two months...small renderfarm...

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  • #31
    Great Works!!


    • #32
      Excellent work!


      • #33
        Originally posted by lukx
        Originally posted by HCafe
        thanks a lot

        render time was between 5 sec-80min for single frame... trees are treestorm...
        some scene is more than 1 000 000 000 fases...
        awesome, but I can't believe how did you make it to render (I can't render 2mln polys in vray)
        I am sure they used VRay Proxies
        ...or a mess of composites :P


        • #34
          Originally posted by charleyc
          I am sure they used VRay Proxies
          ...or a mess of composites :P

          Ea...we a use Vrayproxy...VrayProxy save the World


          • #35

            Fantastic Work.. IMPRESSIVE Foliage

            Workstation Core i7 6900 - 32GB RAM - GeF970
            Dual Xeon E5-2630 - 32GB RAM


            • #36
              impressive, cant believe in what my eyes are seeing.... would you mind to tell us what are the machines used on the job?
              natal - brazil


              • #37
                to silver
                we used about 50 units
                but we can use renderfarm only at night


                • #38
                  Your work is very impressive. We work on similar developments but have yet to find the best solution for trees and planting. The share amount of trees in your scene is amazing. Even with proxies im sure you had your problems. We use tree pro mostly but are looking at going back to billboards, especially for low level planting for eye level views.

                  I have a few of questions:
                  Did you have any issues with ram usage with so many trees? we have to run the 3gb switch on similar scenes but always get close the maximum. ram usage before max crashes.

                  Did you break your scene up into sepreate passes ie the trees, the houses... etc

                  It took 2 months of work and 4 people?. Did this include the modelling time of the houses? or were the houses already created from a previous project?

                  Please show us some of your settings.

                  Again, very impressive work! cant wait to see the animation!

                  Tony MacDonald
                  Tony MacDonald
                  Arterra Interactive


                  • #39
                    Dear Kuritsyn Pavel, Loshakova Julia, Solodovnikov Alexey, Cherkasova Marina, Dybin Konstantin...

                    Please stop posting your work on this forum as you confusing my sanity...
                    My collegue went nuts last week... i had to ban your DOMAIN on router...

                    koroche PIZDETS...


                    • #40
                      hey hcafe,
                      thank you very much for your answer, now i can realize that you indeed have much power in your hands that i could imagine, i would like to ask you about another point, i saw that you have used in all of your images displacement on the grass. Would you mind to tell us what are the settings for that? this is one of my main problems in rendering big scenes over here, even using vray proxie to 3d plants i still have memoru troubles when using displacement on the grass. congratulations again for you amazing job and keep up inspiring us with more images.
                      natal - brazil


                      • #41
                        Great work Hcafe! You guys rock!

                        Just shows the power of Tree storm and Vray together. They make a fantastic duo imho.

                        - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                        "DR or Die!"


                        • #42
                          Hi all!
                          Sorry for my long silence. it was a hard time we finished the next relise of animation

                          1.We used vrayproxy object with dinamic memory option (vray system property roll-out)

                          2. You're right. We didn't use single-pass render because it would be too much.

                          3. The animation is a part of our work. We create stuff for our internal base of houses and for the advertising.
                          That is why all time of working was 4 months but the clear time for this animation was 2 months.

                          We did about 25% of houses again and optimise the rest of houses. We fought against all unnecessary poligon

                          4. We don't have multi-purpose settings. The every scene has own settings. But the global solutions are vrayproxy, dinamic memory and precalculated GI.

                          russian is comming

                          there isn't displacement in all project. it's only in close-up scene. But we did dicplacement like from some tutor this forum (now this thread is dead after hacked this forum)

                          Thans for all your comments!


                          • #43

                            Awesome, absolutely brilliant. I'm stunned.

                            Been thinking about the displacement. I haven't tried this, but I will now I've thought of it: could you set up the displacement as two maps; one which would be a plain black image (i.e. no displacement), and the other as the grass displacement image, then blend them in a fall-off map, Distance Blend. For animated sequences, only areas near the camera would be displaced? Has anybody tried this? Does it work?
                            if you've seen one CG shopping centre, you've seen a mall...


                            • #44
                              I guess it doesn't work. Because only object can use vray displ but not material.


                              • #45
                                Well, it worked for me! It has to be 3D mapping though, because the 2D mapping type needs explicit UVW coordinates whereas the distance falloff is World Space

                                If it were possible to somehow link a UVW map gizmo to the camera, I reckon it could be done with the 2D mapping type. I've no clue how to do that, though.
                                if you've seen one CG shopping centre, you've seen a mall...

