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Designer Chair WIP

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  • #46
    @paulison. a few people have mentioned their concerns about the chair tipping over. I think if I get the geometry right it will work.
    As I've stated before. I need to make one and see how it performs and then tweak it until it's comfortable.

    found some similarish designs all in one mag the other day.

    I agreed with whoever made the comment that the chair could be made from 1 sheet without detatching the middle (chair bit) from the frame
    I did give it some thought, but I think it would be difficult to manufacture due to the thing folding back in on itself. Could be wrong though!
    I also like the 3rd version the best but wouldnt give up on a version with just an arse-bone pad of some sort.
    LOL. it's starting to look like garden furniture IMO.
    I'm sticking with my original bare version primarily, and a secondary version with the small rectangular leather cushions as before (but modelled better).
    I actually did a 'final' render last night but forgot it today.



    • #47
      Yeah, that's what I was talking about. The scheme with holes/slots looks better than the padded ones. And the vertical slotts look most promising.
      "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"

