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Vray_PPT / Maxwell

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  • #16
    for sure there is a little different between the materials,
    maybe i can fix it with increase the saturation in the GI Slot?

    but what can i do with the black margin there?
    i've tried affect shadow/Alpha, less glossy, but there's still a black margin.


    • #17
      Dmitry, I think he can come more close with the materials when telling max that the textures have an input gamma of 2.2 and then render with gamma correct colormapping. Now the colors seem to be washed out, because they are 'corrected twice'. The same for the other materials without textures, their color should be adjusted too in order to get 'correct' results.

      I bet Maxwell internally converts bitmaps too (otherwise the wood wouldn't come out so dark)
      You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


      • #18
        Originally posted by jonnybefree
        i've tried affect shadow/Alpha, less glossy, but there's still a black margin.
        make sure reflect on back side is on
        You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


        • #19
          It seems like the specular reflections are overall weaker in intensity in the vray render compared to the maxwell..
          Also, there seems to be greater/sharper contrast in corners in the maxwell render that I prefer over vray's in this particular render.

          perhaps your vray lights are a bit strong?.. check invisible on your light and override your reflect/refract environment to a pure white multiplied times 5-10?

          I find it a useful way of getting (exaggerated?) speculars for my dull interiors..



          • #20
            its still the same light-scene as the maxwell.
            1 Light at the window, and a nearly white environment.

            and gijs youre right. reflect on backside! there he is. thanks a lot



            • #21
              Originally posted by vlado
              Originally posted by Morbid Angel
              I have to say that maxwell's image is more color correct, then vray's.
              How do you know that it is not the other way round In this particular scene, the materials in the two scenes seem somewhat different in their settings.
              the only thing i like about what maxwell offers over vray is that there is a default material for plastic, glass, etc.

              if you guys were to build those as material wrappers or whatever that would go a long way to making very fast materials that worked perfectly with vray and would be accurate to the real materials as well.

              what do you think vlado?
              vfx supervisor


              • #22
                That's something EGZ did with the Simian materials and he got flamed for it by users on this forum. I agree with you though - and think his materials attempts to do this pretty well...
                LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


                • #23
                  as a constant user of egz carpaint and egz glass i have to say i agree hehe

                  MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                  stupid questions the forum can answer.


                  • #24
                    I agree jujubee.
                    The simian materials are great. Just what was missing
                    Chris Jackson


                    • #25
                      this is taken from the help file.
                      "At present, VRay can only generate 2^32 unique light paths internally. The light cache Subdivs spinner is limited to 60,000, which gives 60,000^2 = 3,600,000,000 unique paths. Since these are distributed across the entire image, for very large images it may be impossible to get enough samples per pixel for a smooth result. For example, a 2000x2000 image can be computed with at most 900 paths per pixel - which may be inadequate for a smooth result."

                      Is there anything in the works to increase these numbers?

                      I think the PPT is a really nice feature.
                      val valgardson


                      • #26
                        ppt is interesting indeed, but it can be optimized a lot. Now, maxwell's ppt is much faster then vray's. So there is room for improvement.
                        Dmitry Vinnik
                        Silhouette Images Inc.


                        • #27
                          yeah, Da_elf i know,

                          but as far as i experience with such method include ppt, i really couldn't see main difference of that. just notice not show some artifact due to unbiase like Maxwell and so i was curiosity how that would be appear result.


                          • #28
                            I prefer the vray image! *cheers!* :P

                            If you had a bit more creme in the walls i think there wouldnt be much difference..

                            except for the black edge on the table glass and the light fitting above which is just material settings. I still struggle with glass though...usually with trying minimise how dark it looks (the only way is to have heaps of internal lights for exteriors)


                            • #29
                              Interesting thread. As it stands i think the maxwell image look intially better.
                              But with those modifications the vray image also looks quite good.

                              On a small side note, ipraiseg I think it would be better if you took the "Always thanks JesusChrist" out of your signature.
                              This is not an appropriate forum for that sorta stuff.


                              • #30
                                sorry guys,
                                any topic on ppt previously?
                                i don't really follow the conversation...
                                Dominique Laksmana

