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House Modern

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  • House Modern

    hi vrayers : )

    great software. really impressed by the amazing images here and on the web!
    keep up the good work

    here is a project i did recently.
    c&c welcome
    i'd still like to add a bit to it. like some people (maybe), and more plants, and some outdoor furniture.. .

    i'm pretty pleased with it. vray is awesome. adds a whole new dimension to the workfow. got into advanced lighting (radiosity, and light tracer) just before, but vray is great ! : )

  • #2
    Very Nice! I love the rock texture very much. A couple of comments some vray displacment on the grass would really look good. Also i think this image would look great in a evening or dusk shot. Great work! Gadzooks


    • #3
      nice shadows and glass. Is that a single light/spot? What is the glass mat? your own? Share?


      • #4

        Nice pictures. You have some tiling going on with the first picture on the brick paving stones and also with the grass texture in the other pictures. Vray displacement would definetly help alot for the grass.
        - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        "DR or Die!"


        • #5
          That's a great start to VRay! Where in South Africa are you? I'm in Cape Town


          • #6
            hi, thanks for the replies (: ))
            yeah, i tried adding a vray displacement grass, but it was coming out all spiky. think maybe i need a better map for it? any recommendations for vray grass displacement maps? will try it again.

            night-time scene is a good idea. seen some great examples (3d & photo) of some night scenes. different feel. theres no interior modelled on this project, though, so not sure if a night time thing will work ..
            i'm working on another project now which i want to do both day and night renderings of. and the vray displacement is rocking it for the rocks. it's on some rocky terrain close to the sea.. will post it really soon..

            the sun is a direct light (max sunlight system) multiplier of 1. sky is light blue environment. multiplier 1.03
            linear multiply - dark multiplier 1.23
            AA -1, 2
            primary GI- irradiance map secondary- light cache
            noise threshold in QMC 0.023.
            worked out nicely on this one, i think. nice design as well. helps. )
            i've just figured out
            the glass is pretty simple. got basic settings for it off a discussion thread on this forum. there were quite a few options, but this one worked quite well, so i've saved it.
            diffuse is RGB-128,139,148 . reflect RGB- 107,107,107 . otherwise pretty much just a standard vraymtl.

            yeah, noticed the tiling. the materials are mostly from max archmat maps. difficult to get a tiling pattern out if it's there... (?)

            i'm in johannesburg. so cold here at the moment. guess spring will be here soon (starts getting warm here pretty early)
            heard it's raining a lot in the cape

            just been getting into vray recently. thanks to broadband i discovered it last december (spent way too much time on the pc over this period!! not too much work, though - feel like i've learnt more this year than in the whole time i've been doing 3d. inspired. so much amazing stuff out there... ) first project i did with vray was for the same designers. will need to ask them if i can post it. pretty cool. massive steel and glass construction

            anyways, i'll leave it there for now. i can go on for a while sometimes..
            15 minutes of fame

