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DU/Farr Sailing Yacht

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  • DU/Farr Sailing Yacht

    Decided to revisit an old project which I had previously rendered in LW.

    The model was created in Rhino from DWG's supplied by the designer. It was then used to create the plug for the deck moulding.

    Sea is a 'dreamscape' surface but with a vray material applied to it. I seem to get better reflections this way (and it renders much quicker).

    All crits welcome.


  • #2
    Nice one, sea looks great! Is the sky dreamscape too?


    • #3
      It looks really great, especially the water. The only weird thing is your boat looks like its "floating". I know its supposed to be floating, but it seems like the water should be darker around where the boat is because it is preventing the sun from refracting in to the water. Maybe its just me...
      "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


      • #4
        I agree with Clifton you must have a shadow.


        • #5
          jow - thanks, the sky is also dreamscape, but I haven't really played with it much at this stage. At the moment it just has two very simple 2d cloud layers.

          Clifton/priad - oooh, I didn't notice that! There doesn't seem to be any shadows what so ever on the sea (volumetric or direct). This could be due to the fact that I haven't used the special 'dreamscape sea surface' shader. That's the only thing I can think of. I'll give it a try and see what happens.


          • #6
            this is looking prety nice!
            i realy like the water material - it looks spot on to me!

            ...though ...yeahh the interaction between the water and the boat seems a little of...i ve got 3 thoughts on this...
            1 the water should probably have a darker area round the boat, i think that u might have some skylight coming in from below the water level, wich might be the reason for this.
            2 i d think especially in the 1st image that the boat shoald be more buried in the water...?
            3 this is picky...maybe th reflection should fade away when arriving the water level?

            ah well...just my 2 cents
            Nuno de Castro

            00351 917593145


            • #7
              I messed around with the 'dreamscape sea material' and got absolutely no-where fast! It seems to just stop working for me after a couple of tweeks and then just doesn't update.

              So, I applied a 'solid' vray material to the sea surface just to see if there was any shadow being cast.....

              This shows there is definately a shadow being cast - so I think ene.xis has hit the nail on the head with point no1. My sea material is transparent and is completely black in the diffuse slot. It picks up it's colour from the background image. So my guess is that the background is casting light stronger than the shadow on the transparent surface. Anyone know of a way of increasing the intensity of this shadow?

              ene.xis - the boat is pretty high sided, but is floating at the correct water level, I promise!


              • #8
                Try adding fog to the material maybe? The deeper the water, the less transparent it becomes.


                • #9
                  gilpo - I've got a fog value of about 0.01 (if I remember correctly) on there at the mo. I'll crank it up and see what happens.


                  • #10
                    It looks to me like your sun source is too big. the area shadows all but disappear on deck. Try making it smaller and/or moving it farther away to get some sharper shadows. I'm working on an ocean front building now where the beach sinks away under the water. I colored the beach with a gradient so that it gets darker deeper but the water still works pretty well.

                    Reflect/Refract both at 100%
                    pale blue exit colors for both
                    Fresnel reflections (although here I like to use a falloff map sometimes to get a better tradeoff between reflection and transparancy when looking straigh on)
                    .02 on the fog multiplier
                    IOR 1.33

                    you might try an HDR in the environment reflection instead of relying on the Dreamscape one.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mcvltd
                      ene.xis - the boat is pretty high sided, but is floating at the correct water level, I promise!
                      i do believe!...i m pretty sure u know more about these than i do!
                      if u build a box to block sky light and simulate depp sea gound, in a kind of pool setup?
                      Nuno de Castro

                      00351 917593145


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Clifton Santiago
                        It looks really great, especially the water. The only weird thing is your boat looks like its "floating". I know its supposed to be floating, but it seems like the water should be darker around where the boat is because it is preventing the sun from refracting in to the water. Maybe its just me...
                        Been thinking about this since we tend to do a lot of beach/water/yacht situations...
                        We have this discussion a lot at work about 'floating' boats, etc.

                        ...but look at this image:

                        this is why i feel that mcvltd's image looks correct
                        Needs more cowbell


                        • #13
                          Well, I've tried my hardest to get a shadow on the water but the following things still didn't make a difference-

                          - fog, set at 1 or 0.001
                          - exit colours
                          - making a box to block out the 'skylight' from under the water (big render times!)
                          - unchecking 'receive gi' (vray object properties)

                          The only thing that makes a difference is drastically reducing the transparency, but thats not really what I want.

                          Looking at olitech's image (nice Wally! Saw that one zooming around the Monaco Boat Show a few years ago.... real nice!) I guess no surface shadows is true to life, even if it does look a little odd. Thanks olitech, I can sleep easy tonight!

                          jonahhawk - you're right about those shadows, I'll sharpen them up a bit - got carried away there! Haven't used HDRIs yet. Can you suggest the best collections to buy?


                          • #14
                            Thanks olitech, I can sleep easy tonight!
                            You and me both, buddy! =]
                            Needs more cowbell


                            • #15
                              Eric Boer

