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Pensions... *yawn*

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  • Pensions... *yawn*

    Just finished an internal publication on the company pension scheme. Pretty dull, so I thought I'd spice it up with some fun images.

    Nothing very technical (VRay-wise) here, but I knocked up all the images in 3 days. Not too bad methinks...

    Member-nominated trustees

    Member-nominated trustees

    Head Office

    Member Privileges

    Where to get more information

    The ins and outs of the pension fund

    Your Questions Answered

    Your Questions Answered

    We were originally looking at stock photography of pensioners on roller-skates and all that happy stuff, but we would have paid about £6000 for 10 photos we would only be able to use once! Man, I'm in the wrong business.

    Thanks to Poser, Max and VRay the brochure is much more fun and it only cost the company 3 days of my time (that's £15 )

    if you've seen one CG shopping centre, you've seen a mall...

  • #2
    Great images fella.............good use of DOF, especially on the image with the membership card.

    You really have made a dull subject more interesting!


    • #3
      in 3days good work man!


      • #4


        • #5
          Very nice renderings!
          I have an observation for "The ins and outs of the pension fund"
          I think the HDRI map is too visible...It looks like a kitchen reflection and your setup is more like "Studio", probably a simple HDRI would be a better match for that scene.

          Good job!

          show me the money!!


          • #6
            Ivor Baldhead.....funny....nice work mate


            • #7

              I love it !! - so much better then stock photography which I detest with a passion,- this stuff has so much more personality alot more appealling then some old biddy on rollerstates !!!

              A quetion about the characters - where they done in Poser ? - I didn't realize it was capable of such great cartoon style people.

              Congratulations again !


              • #8
                Good work George, my only gripe, is he not a little old looking for a 54 yr old?

                every now and then Poser (or similar Daz Studio) comes in handy, pity it seems to be hijacked by kids that have a fetish for either fantasy character or scantly clad female characters, guess they dont get out that much.

                its amazing what getty and corbis charge for their stock photography, talk about money for old rope

                Adam, those characters are originally Poser Characters that were imported into max for rendering, me thinks.

                Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.


                • #9
                  Thats pretty damn cool.
                  And 3days.. not bad at all

                  Well done!!


                  • #10
                    Thanks for your comments, guys, much appreciated.

                    Fernando: You're probably right about the HDRI, but I wasn't going for realism, and I love that old kitchen HDRI - I use everywhere, it's a classic

                    Adam: Yeah, all the figures are done in Poser. They're from the standard cartoon toolset apart from the young lady who's based on the Koshini character from Daz3D. They're a bit limited in terms of posing and facial morphs, but a good quick-fix.

                    Tom: Old-looking? 54 is nearly dead, isn't it? he he . Yeah, you're probably right, but it's a cartoon, so, y'know...

                    btw I told a little fib - I finished the entire booklet in 3 days, but I already had the render of our Head Office and the models of the school desk and the piggy bank.

                    I don't know about you guys, but here in the UK it's a real chore to include money on your images. I had to get written approval from the Bank of England to reproduce banknotes. They're not allowed to be any bigger than 50% of the actual size when they're printed out and the Queen's head can't be folded and blah blah blah...

                    The Royal Mint won't allow you to show the Queen's head at all, so all my coins had to show "tails".
                    if you've seen one CG shopping centre, you've seen a mall...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by GeorgeP
                      I don't know about you guys, but here in the UK it's a real chore to include money on your images. I had to get written approval from the Bank of England to reproduce banknotes. They're not allowed to be any bigger than 50% of the actual size when they're printed out and the Queen's head can't be folded and blah blah blah...

                      The Royal Mint won't allow you to show the Queen's head at all, so all my coins had to show "tails".
                      that s insane!

                      nice job by the way!
                      Nuno de Castro

                      00351 917593145


                      • #12
                        its true, I remember watching Tomorrow's world on BBC (years ago) and they were talking about counterfeits, they could'nt show UK forgeries so they had do with showing Irish notes, its like a criminal offence to handle/show counterfeits for such purposes.

                        well thats my useless peice of information for the day!
                        Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.


                        • #13
                          Poor Queen

                          That poor Queen she is always getting abused or folded by somebody

                          Even the Sex pistols put a ring through her nose


                          • #14
                            great and funny work!!


                            • #15
                              Big ups man. Way to go taking on the task of making people!

