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  • Screws

    I remember seeing a similar image posted here a while ago, just wanted to try making displaced screw threads myself. DOF is faked with photoshop.

    "A severed foot would make the ultimate stocking stuffer"
    -Mitch Hedberg

  • #2
    thats supurb.
    your 'used metal' shader is quite amazing.

    good stuff.


    • #3
      second that, material is great-
      I Vant I Vant, or at least a few pointers

      ah well if you dont ask you nerver get

      Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.


      • #4

        Awesome, can you show us how you applied the displacement map? I'm really curious about the top detail, how does the spiral end?
        Dusan Bosnjak


        • #5
          Thanks. The material is simple vray material with reflection, no glossy or falloff. I used the simbiont "scratch" procedural map for bump, ended up setting the xyz tiling to 1500 to get the desired effect. The displacement map I made with gradient ramp rendered to bitmap so it could be tiled many times. I mixed this with a taper map for a slight taper at the end of the screw. The screw shaft is the outside diameter of the threads so the displacement is negative although the ends might come out better if i did the opposite. The ends of the screws are ugly and I've just been touching them up in PS. The head of the screw is modeled although displacement is certianly possible, I modeled it in a few minutes with acad solids. Attached is another image, this time with a screwdriver and caustics but it needs more work.

          Also the max file if anyone wants to play with it
          "A severed foot would make the ultimate stocking stuffer"
          -Mitch Hedberg


          • #6
            somethings weird with the table top, its not reflecting the screws but its reflecting the environment
            Chris Jackson


            • #7
              The table top has a fresnel glossy reflection. You can see the refelections easily toward the back of the image, more subtle toward the front. The environment reflects much more because it's hdri.

              edit: now that I look agian I should increase the forground reflection or get better gi shadows. Floating too much
              "A severed foot would make the ultimate stocking stuffer"
              -Mitch Hedberg


              • #8
                there is something wrong withthe shadows for sure....reflection is alright (u can actually never tell anyone that the reflection is wrong as one never knows what sort of reflection the person intended)...try changing that hdri or use dome light to get more definition from it....or add in a subtle plane light to get more shadows in...nice idea for displaced screw and a lovely shader...good work !

                teabag studios



                • #9
                  Nice share man, Thanks-

                  I do recall seeing a similar image of screws that are maybe the ones you mentioned, I think they were in a forum/gallery called fakeosity, It was a very realistic image using no GI/Radiosity solution. Its a few years back and I cant recall for sure,

                  Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.


                  • #10
                    I agree with teabag you need shadows to make it real, anyway very good shader!

