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Latest job - Coffee shop
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J. Scott Smith Visual Designs
http://www.facebook.com/jssvisualdesignsTags: None
nice n clean scott. Its lacking some lif though, some people and cars would finish it off
Thanks. I agree. This is the first shot to the client. Kind of an unusual job. We'll see what they want to add.sigpic
J. Scott Smith Visual Designs
Looks right on Scott. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the streetscape. You've got to put in the TC light poles, cherry trees and such or you'll be hanged. The sidewalk looks a little blown out, and the pavement color a little off, but great building. By the way...we need to get together. I've modeled a couple of building on the west end of town, and the entire Rivers Edge complex. Pretty soon we'll have the whole town Keep it up.
Thanks guys.
Whether it's completed will be up to the client. It's a bit of an odd job in that the building already exists. This is one of four jobs for the owner/landlord of the buildings. AKAIK, these will just be to hang on the wall in their lobby. Soooo... I was actually torn on whether I should show the businesses that currently exist there, or something different. Also, I started adding in the surrounding buildings for reference, but didn't like the look of it. So I decided to show them the first version without them. Thought it might be nice to focus on the building. (Although it looks a bit like a motivational poster now :P ) Anyway, that explains the missing people, cars, street lights, stop lights, newspaper machines, pvmt stripes, etc.... Also explains the lack of interiors. (Along with my laziness ) Better to add those things if they ask for them than to put them in and remove them.
Apparently they could only afford 2 sets of blinds?? lol
I just put a couple in to see how they looked. Dunno which I prefer or which the client will want.
Some reflections come from buildings I have modeled, and some come from photo reflection planes. Some of them are parallel to the glass, some at the opposing angle to the camera view - all depends what's in the photo and how the pic was taken.
As to the colors, I've been trying to match site photos I took. We'll see what the client says. Do they want it "accurate", or punchy?
I'll probably do the tree(s). Although they are Bradford Pear, are they not? :P I had them in at the beginning, but it wipes out a lot of the building. We'll see what the client wants to do about that. Same goes for light poles, etc.sigpic
J. Scott Smith Visual Designs
Great Job. I actually like the presentation minus the entourage. Nice and clean.Mike Henry