After years of sticking with the scanline renderer and using radiosity, I recently finally took the step to switch to Vray. I got stuck performing the same trick with every scene, and Vray just opened a plethora of new tools and way more advanced lighting, materials and rendering. Found a lot more joy in working this way.
Thanks to Lele for his tutorial on LWF and the 0.255 technique, in these images i used that workflow, and it works great and fast. Another thanks to all those posters on this forum, it's a huge resource, and I haven't had to post questions until now, since most of the answers are already here, and some of them are fun figuring out for yourself
Used vraysky, vraysun and physcam, the second image is exactly the same scene with just the sun repositioned. Materials (especially brick) need some improvement, all cars except the front one are RPCs and well... you know... All comments welcome ofcourse.
Greetz from a devoted believer,
Thanks to Lele for his tutorial on LWF and the 0.255 technique, in these images i used that workflow, and it works great and fast. Another thanks to all those posters on this forum, it's a huge resource, and I haven't had to post questions until now, since most of the answers are already here, and some of them are fun figuring out for yourself
Used vraysky, vraysun and physcam, the second image is exactly the same scene with just the sun repositioned. Materials (especially brick) need some improvement, all cars except the front one are RPCs and well... you know... All comments welcome ofcourse.
Greetz from a devoted believer,