If anybody was watching football last Sunday on Fox Sports then you might have noticed this spot for the Transformers DVD. It was done over here at 1K with a combination of Maya for Robots ( Mental Ray ) and 3dsmax for Everything else - ( Vray ). I wanted to use Vray for the Robots aswell but we didn't get enough testing time and once we got the project we had an increbibly short period of time to get it finished. We had lots of ram issues as the optimus model had 4 thousand textures some of them 4K and we only had 32bit machines in house, no matter how much optimizing of optimus we did we couldn't get the bugger to render.
As luck would I was in Canada at final delivery, I was there at the beginning to set everything up. Working with Scale between Maya and Max was a real pain in the arse but once we got that nailed the camera's worked pretty seamlessly. There was alot of comping to get the reflections and fire glows to work aswell as exporting camera's to After Effects using Max to Ae plugin for final compositing.
All motion blur was done in AE using standard tools. It should be playing for the rest of the month - keep an eye out for it and thanks as always for you're help with all things Vray.