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My first post R&D sony ericsson P990I

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  • My first post R&D sony ericsson P990I

    Hello everybody,

    Here is my first post: Research and Development on modeling and rendering. (3dsmax, power nurbs, V-ray, after effects)





  • #2
    Heehehe, pretty funny, my first PNurbs project was a cellphone too:

    Looking fine too me, as i dunno the real thing tho i cant comment on accuracy.



    • #3
      hoho...very nice. all modelled within max? love the animation too.


      • #4
        whats your impression of powernurbs.

        i only used it very very few.

        what do you think ? is it stable, howĀ“s your impression about the workflow ?

        is it worth it ?



        • #5
          Thanks for your comments Sonofnimrod and instinct.

          As you can see, everythings are modeling inside 3dsmax with powernubrs tools.
          This picture show you modeling before Powernurbs shell tool and some close-fitting (move and rotate) keyboards's object.

          sorry for my english,



          • #6
            Hello Tom,

            "whats your impression of powernurbs ?" In my sector of activity (accurate animation design), i often need to work with nurbs tools (project spline on surface, trim, booelan.....).
            To me, 3dsmax's nurbs is cheap, so i have two solutions:
            first one, work with rhino3D and then import my work in 3dsmax with powertranslator or, work directly with powernurbs tools in 3dsmax.
            In fact, i prefere work directly in max (i don't have to work with two differents interfaces).
            Now all my models are made with powernurbs tools, and i never utilise max's polygone or nurbs tools.
            You coud tell me why don't you choose Maya or studio tools?
            Because i know well max and don't want multiple interface, i utilise max for animation and his plugins (V-ray, powernurbs.....).

            There is sometime crashes, often when you don't know what your are doing. I think powernurbs is very interresting and powerfull, you could animate multiple tasks togather (booleans operations + fillets for exemple) but this soft is young and need to be developed to have a better workflow.

            "is it worth it ?" to me yes, because i need to animate accurate modeling in same interface.
            if you only need modeling software, rhino is better and work like a charm. You can combine rhino and max with power translator too.

            I hope my answers help you.

            Sorry for my english,



            • #7
              Kewl. Loft rocks
              Hate powernurbs interface. Love rhino
              I just can't seem to trust myself
              So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
              CG Artist


              • #8
                Hi thanks for your impressions.

                We also used rhino for a while, but in my usual work, architectural rendering , very precise surfaces arnĀ“t the most important things. so working directly in max and using its polygontools together with multiple modifiers, ore to import things from architectural applications is enough and from a point of workflow very fast.

                never the less from the point of architectural devellopement , there still seems to be a gap between the power of flexible modelling and the need to put out precise plans, and in this case, i think powernurbs, could maybe do the job.

                on the other hand, nurbs for me allways was rather a hmm, how to explanie, .. just more planed way to achieve a specific form, while subdevisions where rather good to start from a not so clear idea and to sculpt rather than to model...

                z-brush in this way would be the counterpart to nurbs...

                so thanks for your answer.



                • #9
                  Thats pretty cool!!

                  Never used powernurbs, might have to look into it. Im a poly modeller myself, and certainly doing somethings like all the lettering and keeping it a single mesh and all quads can be a nightmare.

                  Is it just me or does your QWERTY keyboard have the wrong letters on it.. the Q and W are swapped with the A and the Z its an AZERTY keyboard, or is that just how the keyboards are in your region?


                  • #10
                    Thanks Daforce for your comments, i saw your works and your comments on this forum since 3 years, i know you make very good work, respect.

                    You are right, making letters on curvature surface could be nightmare with polygone . There are very simple tools to do that with powernurbs, you can project spline (text) on surface, trim, boolean, and Powernurbs Team are cool (David, Eric....) you could chat with them when you have problems, they are always present.

                    I think max need Powernurbs plug to be as good as maya (modeling).
                    But as you know, polygone is better choice for complex animated manipulation (animated character modeling). So polygone modeling still important too.

                    My P990I have azerty keyboard because i live in France.

                    Sorry for my english,



                    • #11
                      Cool, will definitly have to check out powernurbs.

                      Yeah I figured you had the AZERTY keyboards in France. Looks weird to me.. hehe

