Vray 1.47xx, office reception area. Done 18 months ago. All images here are half res of finals, which were ment to be shown in a Ppoint presentation. I mostly used default vray presets with the exeption of AA which I have to increase to 2/4 to eleiminate jaggies on the metal ceiling panels and QMC 0.6/0.002 (from the memory )
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Vray 1.47xx, office reception area. Done 18 months ago. All images here are half res of finals, which were ment to be shown in a Ppoint presentation. I mostly used default vray presets with the exeption of AA which I have to increase to 2/4 to eleiminate jaggies on the metal ceiling panels and QMC 0.6/0.002 (from the memory )
Thanks for viewing
