The afternoon shot is simply amazing, one of my favorites. Can you tell us a bit more about it? What kind of lighting was used?
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Villa Rendering
The grass source images weren't tillable really, and since i had to adjust the colors due to my standard light setup i played a little with that aspect too.
on the grass plane i applied 2 UVW maps - one for the diffuse channel and the other for displacement. the same UVW just didn't work for both.
My lighting setup is tuned to act like a normal camera would in the actual world, or rather, i think i manged to tune it that wayI'm still calibrating that using reference photos i take with my digital camera.
So... it is a VRaySun with default parameters usually, in combination with the VRaySky. sometimes i decrease the sun intensity and play around 0.7 - 1.0 range. The Physical Camera is set to ISO 100, F-Stop 16 and Shutter in the range of 1/100 to 1/200. i play with the WB too sometimes as needed.
Cheers, and thank u all for the feedback.