Well, cool stuff when you have 8 threads is that you can assign 6 to render and use remaining two to play and experiment
This is a personal work. I tried to reproduce effect of long shutter speed when photographing water in motion.
Water has animated noise (which didn't look blurred enough for my liking, so I moved the whole plane couple of meters to the side). For motion blur I lowered the shutter speed to 0.2 (which I guess is equivalent to 5sec in real life-Vlado?)
I attached the 1:1 crop for closer inspection.
Moonlight is mixed HDRI sunset + multiplied blue color.
Some colour correction in PS as well.
For some more images from my "water in motion" cycle, please, visit my web-site on:


Well, cool stuff when you have 8 threads is that you can assign 6 to render and use remaining two to play and experiment
This is a personal work. I tried to reproduce effect of long shutter speed when photographing water in motion.
Water has animated noise (which didn't look blurred enough for my liking, so I moved the whole plane couple of meters to the side). For motion blur I lowered the shutter speed to 0.2 (which I guess is equivalent to 5sec in real life-Vlado?)
I attached the 1:1 crop for closer inspection.
Moonlight is mixed HDRI sunset + multiplied blue color.
Some colour correction in PS as well.
For some more images from my "water in motion" cycle, please, visit my web-site on:

