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Interior and Exterior.

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  • Interior and Exterior.

    Well..I thinked I finally UNCHECKED the ugly render button. LOL...

    Here are a couple new ones from a recent project. Now the exterior.....Ehhhh...I still need to tweak, even though the client loves it, the roof needs a little work, but he may be changing it to metal roofing anyways. The interiors I am loving. a couple of these are old, but I wanted to show the progress. Any input is helpful as usual. Thanx all

    Last edited by EricCamper; 21-01-2008, 03:06 PM.
    Eric Camper
    Studio 3D

  • #2
    a couple more..

    This one I accidentally had the glass on and did not check ignore and stuff...oops
    Eric Camper
    Studio 3D


    • #3
      looking good. i think you just need a little bit more refinement in some areas. For example the road material is kind of large scale. there is some strange things going on with the brickwork in the corner as well.

      for the interiors i think you need to work on a few of the backgrounds but most of the materials and lighting look good to me. possibly needs a bit higher resolution or settings to finish off?

      in terms of objects this is something i struggle with as well a bit so cant help you too much. I think generally you may be mixing a few styles so its just a matter of getting a nice composition. I think it looks good but others may have some comments on how to improve this?


      • #4
        Yeah, I Ps'd a better road texture in later on , but did not upload that one. What did you see in the brick? Do you mean the quoins?

        The interiors are really fun. I have blown the budget on this one, but you know how that goes... I struggle with the backgrounds a lot. For instance, I am ps'ing them in. Bobby recently sent me a cool Hemi to use, but I have yet to mess with it ( thanx Bobby...I havent had a chance to thank you yet. )

        I am rendering a couple 3600 px wide tonight and will be changing some colors around. Thanx for the comments and keep em coming.
        Eric Camper
        Studio 3D


        • #5
          Nice images! A bit washed out maybe, and I'd suggest you lower the camera to a more natural point of view, and instead looking down, look a bit upwards. Also, camera correction can help a lot to fix vertical lines and to give a bit more pro look to your images.
          Noise on some shaders is a bit disturbing too.

          Best regards,

          credit for avatar goes here


          • #6

            You seem to have mastered the art of interiors! A little PhotoShop tweaks and I think they would be 5 star.
            Bobby Parker
            phone: 2188206812

            My current hardware setup:
            • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
            • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
            • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
            • ​Windows 11 Pro


            • #7
              Nice Interiors, especially the first one, something hints at scale issues on your 2nd interior (or maybe it just me),
              agree with the more natural point of view for the exterior camera, bit of disp on the roof tiles wouldn't go amiss,
              good work Eric,

              Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.


              • #8
                Hey eric,

                the thing i noticed on the external with the brickwork was in the shadowed area where the brick texture appears to dissapear in places (notice the darker patches?).

                I agree about the camera positioning mentioned as well for interiors. It looks like you have the camera at about 2m?. I would reduce this about 400mm. Alternatively if you are happy with the balance between the amount of floor & ceiling then apply the camera correct modifier or vertical shift? if it is a vray camera.

                Interiors do look good. I think its worth blowing the budget sometimes if only to further your own skills a bit more. Also there is a certain point where clients are happy to pay more (sometimes rediculous amounts) in order to get excellent work so its worth developing your skills to this point as an investment


                • #9
                  Yes....I hardly ever let anything go out unless I have put an extra effort into it... For instance...This was a new client and normally for the exterior alone I would have charged at least $1200-1500. But he is getting an exterior shot, 3 interiors and an animation or some sort of walkthrough for $1700. He does want to make the room 5 feet wider, which sounds easy...But of course I have trim, crown etc... You know the drill. So at least I may recoup some of that.

                  I see the brick now...Could it be sampling or something? I lowered the camer for the interior. You were right. Unless I was 6'9 then the camera is too high. LOL... So I lowered it to about 5'2 and put the target about 5'8.
                  Eric Camper
                  Studio 3D


                  • #10
                    wow.. really nice Eric, great improvement!!

