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  • Interiors


    Im working on a couple of interiors at the moment and would love to get some feedback from you guys! Ive mostly been doing exteriors lately, and with that in mind im happy with the way these turn out - however im sure they could get better with your help!

    Especially the kitchen - there is absolutely nothing going on in the left side of the image which makes it boring, but im not sure what to change really. The birch-cabinets and the dark floor are client requests, but other than that I think I can pretty much do what I want with it.

    So crits and comments are very welcome! Both on colors and design and the renderings...

    Im working on a bathroom too, same project... will post those images in this thread as well.


    Last edited by skogskalle; 17-10-2008, 02:44 AM. Reason: uploaded better quality images...

  • #2
    looking good, but its a bit hard to comment on low res images
    Chris Jackson


    • #3
      they are 1000 pixels wide... but they got really compressed when I uploaded them, dont know why. I´ll fix it in a minute!



      • #4
        Nice images, but quite noisy in the glossy reflections. You may want to up the subdivs to 30 or something and also maybe change the cutoff to 0.001 (options).


        My Portfolio


        • #5

          Im not sure why its still so noisy... the brushed metal for example have 80 (!) subdivs. I applied a little unsharpen-mask in PS that made the noise a little stronger, but it wasnt 100% clean in the original render... I do believe the cutoff is already 0,001 but ill check. It probably isnt on all materials.

          I think most of the noise comes from the lights. There are planar vraylights outside all windows, set to simple portal-mode. They have 80 subdivs but still produce a little noise all over the images. If I set it to "include in IRRmap" (or whatever the option is called) the image is noisefree but then the shadows lack definition.

          What settings would you use to get a clean render AND good shadows. I thought 80 subdivs on the lights was really high but maybe Im wrong?


          • #6
            Are your global subs at 1.00 ?

            If you set the lights to "include in IRRmap" you could always do an occlusion pass and multiply back over in photoshop to bring in those smaller details.

            Is it neccessary to set the vray lights at the windows as portal lights ? I thought you could just use them without that function to create more light within your interior ?

            I might be way off..this is just from my sure theres easily more than one way to cook a fish...

            One more thing..can I ask what rgb value you have your white walls at ? Just out of interest, I now set my white materials to rgb Vlado stated that is roughly the correct value.


            My Portfolio


            • #7
              yup - global subdivs are 1.0

              I think its difficult to get good shadows if I dont have the portal lights at the windows. Of course I could use them normally, and not as portals, but then I wouldnt get the same skylight in the scene.
              Im sure I could get a perfectly clean image using the universal settings and a really low noise threshold but that would probably take forever to render.

              The walls RGB are around 160... but they arent 100% white. A little more red and green, a little less blue .

              I think maybe the noise comes from the amount of light passing through the 2-sided mat curtains. not sure.

              An occlusion pass could work. Ive never used that technique before but it might be worth a try.



              • #8
                Few Suggestions

                Hi There,

                Congratulations on you renders.Just have a few suggestions. I think there is a certain flatness to your image. The whole image lacks in contrast between shadows and the light which you will see in real. Other than the noise related issues you might wanna look at the right amount of colours and making sure that the image is not overly bright with so many lights.

                May be rather than the diffused sort of a look it would be asthetically appealing to bring some direct sunlight in for some shadows of objects in the scene falling on the ground.

                Best of luck,


                • #9
                  Sorry the suggestions were for image 2 only


                  • #10
                    thanks - I agree with you on the flatness of the kitchen-image. I will try to move the sun a bit to get more interesting direct sunlight. Right now all the sunlight hits the table making it too bright and leaves the rest of the image a little dull.


                    • #11
                      Here are some of the final images from this project. Still not happy (at all) with the kitchen, but I ran out of time.

                      To get rid of the noise I used "store with irradience map" on all my windowlights. I put the light subdivs at 200 and used really high IRRmap settings to get at least OK looking shadows.

                      I wont change anything in these pictures, but crits n comments are still very welcome.



                      • #12
                        the hedge in the last one is really nice.
                        how did you do them, pflow?


                        • #13
                          Nice images and style. First 2 interiors are a bit over-bright for me but still different and nice style - I like it.


                          • #14
                            Giraffe - Im a big fan of your work so Im very happy that you like my images! I know the interiors are maybe a bit too bright, but for some reason I like it that way. But maybe I should be a bit more careful with the "curves" treatment in PS...

                            Joost Ink - the hedges are vray proxy. I made a tree in onyx and cut it in Max until it was shaped as a box, then simply made a proxy of it and made a couple of hundred instances =)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by skogskalle View Post
                              Joost Ink - the hedges are vray proxy. I made a tree in onyx and cut it in Max until it was shaped as a box, then simply made a proxy of it and made a couple of hundred instances =)
                              Aha, that's a good idea, why didn't I think about that?
                              Thanks for sharing!

