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Work in progress - ICL

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  • Work in progress - ICL

    Bear with me on this!

    I'm starting a huge image which I plan to turn into a print, but i've never actually finished one before. So at the end of every day I work on it i'm going to do a quick render and upload it here. Figue the day by day progress might be interesting (only because I like it when other people do that) plus it'll give a reason to not sack it off.

    I started last week, doing some awful sketches and basic layout tests but finally got round to modeling at the weekend, so far i'm 2 days in. I'll be doing a couple of hours a night 3/4 nights midweek and full weekends on it.

    Day one:

    Day two:

  • #2
    hey dude,

    Looks cool and im interested as where this wil lead to eventually Il be folowing this one a bit. Mabey the rail could use some more dirt and rust etc..


    • #3
      Looking good but are the ascending details on the interior of the staircase supposed to be skewed and stretched like that ? I think youve cheated and used a 2x2 FFD transformer


      My Portfolio


      • #4
        Originally posted by stevesideas View Post
        but are the ascending details on the interior of the staircase supposed to be skewed and stretched like that ? I think youve cheated and used a 2x2 FFD transformer
        ...No, probably not
        This is why i'm posting it up here, but I can see myself getting rinsed for cutting corners later

        I will do that tonight!


        • #5
          I'd already done some of this yesterday, just tidied it up this morning.

          Massed out the city a bit, although the layout may change i'm just getting some ideas down.
          It was originally supposed to be just maintenence down there too, but i'm considering changing it to an actual platform, widening it a bit. Gives more room to add detail.

          Stair fix is next on the list, then i'll detail up the platform and lower the tracks.


          • #6
            Looking nifty so far. Couple things, might be early but will bring em up anyways:

            The base of the supports for the stairs seem small compared to how thick the columns are. Vary the orientation of the track cross support some, they're too perfect. Would like to see some stones laying over the top of some of the cross supports. Vary the multiplier of the lights in the tunnel, they're also too perfect.

            "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


            • #7
              Originally posted by percydaman View Post
              Looking nifty so far. Couple things, might be early but will bring em up anyways:

              The base of the supports for the stairs seem small compared to how thick the columns are. Vary the orientation of the track cross support some, they're too perfect. Would like to see some stones laying over the top of some of the cross supports. Vary the multiplier of the lights in the tunnel, they're also too perfect.
              Earlier the better i think.
              I'll try throwing a proper baseplate in on the stair supports when I fiddle with the platform. Stones over the supports would be nice, but i've not thought about the best way to do that yet. Just pushing the displaced object through looked a bit poor.

              What do you mean by orientation, I thought they had to be laid perfect?


              • #8
                This is looking very interesting so far. I'd be tempted to dirty up the tracks some more - they tend to be covered in oil from the trains - espacially the stones in the middle of the rails.

                Keep up the good work, and don't forget to keep some spare time for a couple of well earmed beers!


                • #9

                  I was thinking of something like this. Where the planks are rarely perfect, especially over time as they settle and adjust over the years. No need to take it this far, but the perfection of the planks was noticeable to me.

                  "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                  • #10
                    I'm not using planks though... it's concrete, like this:


                    • #11
                      Looking really nice so far! I agree with the comments on varying the light intesity multiplier with each light in the tunnel. Looks to uniformed right now.
                      Mike Henry


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by cubiclegangster View Post
                        I'm not using planks though... it's concrete, like this:

                        ahhh, now i see. Never seen concrete ones. If it wasn't a photo I was looking at, I'd say they looked very unnatural.

                        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                        • #13
                          Hey Cubicle,

                          Just one quick comment, should the train tracks be on the same level as the platform? Maybe they were different in much older stations but every train station I've been to the tracks are at a sunken level of maybe 1m below the platform so that people can get on/off the train.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by percydaman View Post
                            ahhh, now i see. Never seen concrete ones. If it wasn't a photo I was looking at, I'd say they looked very unnatural.
                            haha, i've never seen wooden ones in real life, so your photo looked a bit unnatural/over the top to me when I first saw it

                            Originally posted by womble View Post
                            Just one quick comment, should the train tracks be on the same level as the platform?
                            It's not a platform, and it's also not finished
                            I just threw it in so there wasnt a big hole in the ground.
                            Last edited by Neilg; 07-04-2009, 01:17 AM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by cubiclegangster View Post
                              haha, i've never seen wooden ones in real life, so your photo looked a bit unnatural/over the top to me when I first saw it
                     must understand that in the UK, Alan Titchmarsh has told everybody to only use timber railway sleepers in garden construction projects and never ever on railway tracks
                              Kind Regards,
                              Richard Birket


