Ok, so I used Unwrap UVW to texture map these golf balls. All is good. Now that I've created this bucket o'balls scene, and I've got a bunch of these scattered around, I've collapsed them all down to editmesh. As you can see, up close, there is no problem. But when further away, you can see quite clearly the seam in the UVW mapping. It's really aggravating, and I can't seem to get rid of this. I've tried all sorts of different render parameters, tweaking the settings in the bump map.... can't figure it out!
Has anyone run into this before, or know of a fix?
Oh... it's probably worth mentioning, I'm using a normal map to generate the bumps on the balls, as opposed to your usual grayscale bitmap.
Has anyone run into this before, or know of a fix?
Oh... it's probably worth mentioning, I'm using a normal map to generate the bumps on the balls, as opposed to your usual grayscale bitmap.