Hey all -
This is a job we finished a while ago but just able to show it now. Modeled in Max, rendered in Vray. Made some heavy use of RT during the beta stages - it was a big help with the more complex label elements (which don't really show much in this version and at this size).
Original render was about 6K. Lots of post work in Photoshop. It was a fairly atmospheric image for the clients (they are only using a fairly small cropped area too), but this version is pushed a bit further for my own portfolio.
Critiques always appreciated.
This is a job we finished a while ago but just able to show it now. Modeled in Max, rendered in Vray. Made some heavy use of RT during the beta stages - it was a big help with the more complex label elements (which don't really show much in this version and at this size).
Original render was about 6K. Lots of post work in Photoshop. It was a fairly atmospheric image for the clients (they are only using a fairly small cropped area too), but this version is pushed a bit further for my own portfolio.
Critiques always appreciated.