OK! So i want to use DOF (Depth of Field) in my scene! but i find vrays DOF is insanely slow...turns a one minute render into like 10 minutes even on low settings...So my question, is there a way to use maxes built in DOF feature, cause its so much faster...but i get odd results when rendering..see the picture below from the shortfilm i'm making...and i really screwed with the setting too...and i always seem to get jaggies in the foreground as you can see...
Any help would be appreciated...I really want to get this working because DOF adds so much to a scene! i love the look of it...its been slowing me down for days! and i know about x-dof plugin...i am an independent artist with not alot money so i dont think i'll be buying that 200 dollar plug...
Please Any help would be great...[/url]
Any help would be appreciated...I really want to get this working because DOF adds so much to a scene! i love the look of it...its been slowing me down for days! and i know about x-dof plugin...i am an independent artist with not alot money so i dont think i'll be buying that 200 dollar plug...
Please Any help would be great...[/url]