First of all sorry for my english
There are 3 images in the attachement:
00_original: this is the original shot taken with a digital camera
01_vray: this is my attempt to reproduce the same room with same materials, structure, illumination and armchair (the armchair is a similar model but nevermind) using 3dsmax + vray
02_vray_photoshop: this is the vray rendered images modified into photoshop, increasing the "Contrast" slider
Well... obviously the work under a lot of point of view isn't perfect (shaders, geometry, illumination), but this doesn't matter, more or less I've reached what I was looking for (considering I've had few infos in input).
But what interest to me to understand is the big difference in contrast between image 00 and 01, and I hope someone will continue to read and help me in some way.
...well, thank you
I assume this is due to "color mapping" values, so I expose in few words which are scene settings:
-Like the "Complete Vray Guide" (Francesco Legrenzi) explains, I work in Linear Workflow, this mean that (accordly with my monitor) under "Gamma and LUT" I've enabled Gamma with a value of 2.2, checked "affect color selector" and "affect material editor"; and finally set "Input Gamma" to 2.2 and "output gamma" to 1.0; I've enabled "Vray Frame Buffer", color mapping type to "Gamma Correction" with a "multiplier" and "gamma" set to 1.0 and "inverse gamma" to 0.454.
Those are always my start point for each scene.
-then I've modeled the scene, applied materials, insert a planar VrayLight on the top, enabled GI and rendered the scene. The image 01 is the result.
If you notice the image appears like if there is a sort of "fog" in front of the Camera, like a "grey filter".
I've tried to play with "color mapping" changing type, dark and bright multiplier but with not a good result. With a simple photoshop layer (brightness and contrast) I've increased contrast and the result is much better; but before to use photoshop like final solution, I'd like to better understand how Vray works.
I've noticed the same "effect" when I've made a test of different renderer engines: I've created the same scene (a studio light scene with few lights, a plane and a teapot geometry) using different render engines, and what I've noticed in Vray (that differs from other render engine) is that the vray output image is a little bit flat, there is this light grey effect that make the image to lose depth.
I thank you very much for your patient and I hope in some advice and explanation.
First of all sorry for my english
There are 3 images in the attachement:
00_original: this is the original shot taken with a digital camera
01_vray: this is my attempt to reproduce the same room with same materials, structure, illumination and armchair (the armchair is a similar model but nevermind) using 3dsmax + vray
02_vray_photoshop: this is the vray rendered images modified into photoshop, increasing the "Contrast" slider
Well... obviously the work under a lot of point of view isn't perfect (shaders, geometry, illumination), but this doesn't matter, more or less I've reached what I was looking for (considering I've had few infos in input).
But what interest to me to understand is the big difference in contrast between image 00 and 01, and I hope someone will continue to read and help me in some way.
...well, thank you
I assume this is due to "color mapping" values, so I expose in few words which are scene settings:
-Like the "Complete Vray Guide" (Francesco Legrenzi) explains, I work in Linear Workflow, this mean that (accordly with my monitor) under "Gamma and LUT" I've enabled Gamma with a value of 2.2, checked "affect color selector" and "affect material editor"; and finally set "Input Gamma" to 2.2 and "output gamma" to 1.0; I've enabled "Vray Frame Buffer", color mapping type to "Gamma Correction" with a "multiplier" and "gamma" set to 1.0 and "inverse gamma" to 0.454.
Those are always my start point for each scene.
-then I've modeled the scene, applied materials, insert a planar VrayLight on the top, enabled GI and rendered the scene. The image 01 is the result.
If you notice the image appears like if there is a sort of "fog" in front of the Camera, like a "grey filter".
I've tried to play with "color mapping" changing type, dark and bright multiplier but with not a good result. With a simple photoshop layer (brightness and contrast) I've increased contrast and the result is much better; but before to use photoshop like final solution, I'd like to better understand how Vray works.
I've noticed the same "effect" when I've made a test of different renderer engines: I've created the same scene (a studio light scene with few lights, a plane and a teapot geometry) using different render engines, and what I've noticed in Vray (that differs from other render engine) is that the vray output image is a little bit flat, there is this light grey effect that make the image to lose depth.
I thank you very much for your patient and I hope in some advice and explanation.