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Animation : Suburban Development

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  • Animation : Suburban Development

    Hey all.

    Our client has posted this on youtube so I guess I can share it here:

    Austin Cove

    Created by Last Pixel. We handled all the production, including the live action green-screen shoot. It was a small team led by myself, and we managed to get it out without too much fuss.

    Modelled in 3dsmax, rendered with VRay, composited with Nuke. Motion Graphics in AE.

    Pretty happy with it, on the whole. Comments and feedback are most welcome .
    Toucan Creative
    Linkedin Profile

  • #2
    Very, very nice. May I ask about the fly-by: how did you handle the transition between the town model and 3D environment and the landscape in the backdrop. It seems so seamless, as though the model were really stretching to the horizon. Also, these first high-altitude shots: live footage, 3D or camera projection?
    Check my blog


    • #3
      Really, really nice. Can you post some strip versions, just to see the 3d transitions as asked...
      Best regards,
      CG Talk


      • #4
        Loved the 3D, hated the music


        • #5
          Originally posted by BBB3 View Post
          how did you handle the transition between the town model and 3D environment and the landscape in the backdrop. It seems so seamless, as though the model were really stretching to the horizon.
          In the foreground is the masterplan model, then behind that a layer of simple background geometry with 3D trees etc, then at the very back is a panoramic dome in Nuke. Once colour graded together its pretty seamless. I must thank Rick (my boss!) for his work on that.

          Originally posted by BBB3 View Post
          Also, these first high-altitude shots: live footage, 3D or camera projection?
          Camera projection. The last shot in that opening sequence has the 3D masterplan composited over a still photo, other than that they are just photos.
          Toucan Creative
          Linkedin Profile


          • #6
            Brilliant! Could you show us the various passes?
            Kind Regards,


            • #7
              Nice work!
              3d, video, and composting/grading are top notch.
              The real people give it a much more interesting feel.


              • #8
                Sorry for the guys who requested a look at the passes. I have been super busy so I haven't been able to put anything together. I'll probably be super busy for the forseeable future so if I can't get any together I will have to apologise.

                Cheers for the feedback.
                Toucan Creative
                Linkedin Profile

