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I need a little help with this pasta material...
I'd say your yellows are not orange enough and need more vibrancy. There's a falloff type of shadow/reflection which the edges turn more dark orange in the shadows. Also, overall the color is too uniform - you need to add some yellowish/orange clouds either in the material or in a texture map. Also, a very subtle fresnel reflection might help. The ends of the pasta also turns white in certain areas where they were cut. This might require two separate texture maps - one for the caps/ends and another for the bodies.
Technically, there's a very subtle SSS going on - but I wouldn't bother with SSS as I think you can get away with a plain texture map.
if you have nice uvs on them, do a gradient ramp with a falloff from the core to the sides, then another from the tips, making them brighter. Play around with those colors, you can get a closer feel of the real ones that way, but also texture as been pointed out already. SSS is cool too, I would definitely try that first, if fails, go faky way.Dmitry Vinnik
Silhouette Images Inc.
The number one difference between the two images, IMHO, is random variation.
I would chamfer the sharp corners and add a subtle noise mod to each noodle; randomizing the values for each one.
Make all the noodles copies or references with a unique mods above the simple straight noodle. Then randomize the bend angles and nose values. With a tiny bit of maxscript you can easily add random values to the objects' modifiers:
Code:( for i in selection do ( i.modifiers[#Bend].angle = (random 15 50) i.modifiers[#Material].materialID = (random 1 10) i.modifiers[#Noise].strength = (random [0.1,0.1,0.1] [0.3,0.3,0.3]) ) )
Then following the other comments, get one material dialed in the way you like. Then make 5-10 copies of the material and vary some of the procedural properties. A great way to do this is to use a mulitSub MAP instead of making multiple materials. Grant Adam has a freebee called MulitID map. The one that ships with 2010+ does not seem to be compatible with VRay :-\
Add the MultiID map in the diffuse, for example, and add several subMaps with different settings.
If you're on subscription, use the new PhysX dynamics to drop the noodles into the bag. It's a bit easier to set up than reactor.
If you're on subscription, use the new PhysX dynamics to drop the noodles into the bag. It's a bit easier to set up than reactor.(the problem is me not the program...) i gave up and made it by hand :P... unfortunatly i´m not on subscription....
so no PhysX dynamics.
Orlando Nóbrega