Hey all...thought I'd pop up a fairly recent image.
This is from CAD data with simulated studio lighting illuminating the car. There were 12 different paints needed in 3 families...metallic, pearlescent, and standard. There were four poses, 12 paint schemes, and 4 types of rims. So this was a lot of compositing.
I ran seperate passes for paint, chrome, rubber, clearcoat, facing, and plastic. Then alpha channels for each of those to keep everything seperate in Pshop. Makes cleaning up problem areas and errors a lot easier on a global scale.
The interior is real and comped in from photography since interior CAD data wasn't available and why reinvent the wheel when you don't have to. The front black grill is also brought in from the photography because it looked a little nicer. But everything else is rendered.
Bake3D really saved my butt for the ground plane. It's the only thing lit with real CG lights. I made a studio model, lit it with soft shadow area lights, baked it in there and killed all the lights and let the car get lit by the studio light geometry. Even the plastics and rubbers are Vray materials with a blurry reflection to serve as a specular highlight.
Now if I can just get Vray for Maya, I can get some nice dynamics based animation out of these cars.