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vfr and maxwell interior

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  • vfr and maxwell interior

    i've made a test with vfr and maxwell and the light distribution

    this image is made whit vfr using gamma 2.2 and a material with Acolor at 0.45 and a light blue environment

    17 minutes qmc and lc

    this is from maxwell camera options 125 shutter 8 fstop 200 iso

    52 minutes at 12 SL

    please comment

  • #2
    vfr and maxwell interior

    what do you want us to comment ? notthing is the same. We should keep a render time equal at least if we don't use the same technology to render it.
    Jp If the times is not the same, the result looks must be the same.

    Now we have pretty different result for pretty different time (52 vs 17).
    And surely that none of those 2 renders are optimized.

    would you post the two files ?
    Freelance Industrial Designer - Rhino3d v4 - Vray for Rhino


    • #3
      vfr and maxwell interior

      the scene is the same rendered with vfr and rhinoll
      the lighting of the scene is a sky dome

      my purpose was to obtain a more physically correct lighting trying to obtain a vray render similar to the maxwell one


      • #4
        vfr and maxwell interior

        ... I have seen more complex comparsions at chaosgroup. Anything was right. Why spend time for it again?

        I see two problems at your example: the exposure systems are different and Maxwell use a special internal color correction, that avoid strange effects with high diffuse reflectances. - visualization for designer and architects

