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Testing the vray waters...

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  • Testing the vray waters...

    Hi all,

    Just a quick interior setup.
    I used the 'universal settings' that wander around the net, so I didn't have to bother too much with tweaking.
    This could probably be rendered much faster...but 2 hours for me is even very acceptable.
    I rendered this scene also using three unbiased engines (Maxwell,Indigo, Fry: it took ages to clean for all > 15 hours).
    It is very refresshing to see how much faster and cleaner Vray is.
    Besides some improvements that can be done on 'workflow', I like the product very much.

    This image almost rendered out of the box. The wooden floor is a vraylinked mat with an extra reflection layer and some bump.
    It probably can be improved a lot.....

    2 Quick question:
    - It seems that vignetting is either on or off. is there a way to determine the amount of vignetting?
    - The wood floor material is from Arroway. It comes with a specular map. In which material slot should the specular map be placed?


  • #2
    Re: Testing the vray waters...

    Second quick test. I think I'd better switch 'off' vignetting, because it makes post tonemapping a lot more difficult.


    • #3
      Re: Testing the vray waters...

      Quick exterior. Render time 10 minutes.
      Vray setup time = None ;D (straight out of the box except for adding a sky in post)
      The automatic alpha channel that is saved with the .png is amazing. Quite easy to add a sky in Photoshop by just shoving a sky layer underneath the original image. Done.


      • #4
        Re: Testing the vray waters...

        Your first picture is picture perfect Biebel except for the looks artificial or maybe it's just me. Overall, an A.

        Biebel, may I ask what's the use of the alpha image that is being saved everytime I save my render to jpeg? Care to show me how to use it and what's it for?




        • #5
          Re: Testing the vray waters...

          About the alpha/transparency channel:
          Just save your rendering as .png and open it in Photoshop.
          You will see that all the parts that contain the sky are clipped (=transparent)and ready for adding a sky image.
          I'll see if I can post a Photoshop screenshot later today to make it clear.


          • #6
            Re: Testing the vray waters...


            Come on in, the 'waters' fine. I remember your work from earlier postings, and it will be nice to see more of your excellent images.

            If these are 'out of the box' renders then just wait until you get your teeth into it!

            I've also got some arroway renders and had wondered about how to use the specular map, I thought it was something to do with the reflection. Looks like another new area to investigate.


            Sketchup 2015
            Vray version 2.00


            • #7
              Re: Testing the vray waters...

              Thanks Dcauldwell,

              I really like Vray for SU for out of the box rendering.
              It's fairly easy also to link a material and add some layers.

              The only thing that bothers me (just a little) is that once you start to fine tune everything there is a slight workflow issue.
              For instance when you have 'linked' a material and you want to change the texture size of the sketchup material it doesn't update automatically to the Vraylinked material.
              Than I should delete the vraylinked material and link it again, doing the set up process all over again.

              These are little things.....but if you are doing a large model with a lot of materials (dozens...or more )this can be a big issue.

              Also, It would be much better if all SU materials would appear automatically in the Vraymaterial list as 'Vraylinkedmats'. There is no reason NOT wanting to link every SU material now is there?
              I think the Linked materials should be automatically updated whenever a change is made in the SU material (altered texture size, coulour change, even a different bitmap that get's uploaded etc...) This would make a MAJOR improvement in workflow.
              Maybe we need just a new button in the Vray material editor that says :'UPDATE LINKED MATERIALS'

              What I do like in the final version is that some things have improved over the beta versions.
              For instance the 'default' button in the environment/sky settings is a nice one.
              Also, having transparent material (a SU glass material) automatically renders a glass material in Vray.(it has refraction etc...) even though it needs tweaking off course.

              So if in update releases, the workflow could be optimised I would be happy to use Vray in a Pro environment.(That is if I can find the money cause it's not exactly cheap you know )


              • #8
                Re: Testing the vray waters...

                Here another quickie exterior.(R time 10 minutes)

                I didn't set up any material....The glass (an SU glass material with opacity to 2% and colour almost white) came out this way automatically.
                There are some blotches to be seen behind the I guess the 'universal Vlado settings' should be used in this case instead of irradiance mapping.


                • #9
                  Re: Testing the vray waters...

                  I finally got clip map on the tree leaves working 'in some way', meaning I had to guess 'blindly' the uv-mappings.


                  • #10
                    Re: Testing the vray waters...

                    saving in png saves you a lot of time in ps and more promising post process

                    nice exterior biebel ..... your kidding you can do better than that... come on show your real skill in this forum ;D


                    • #11
                      Re: Testing the vray waters...


                      very nice images. ive seen these exteriors rendered in maxwell. now your telling us its only 10 minutes render using vray. that is really quiet an accomplishment.

                      with regards to mapping issue, yeah the same here. this is the same issue again and again since its beta time. but i think joe and the gang are doing their best to address this. on the other hand, i think they have gone a long way to this new release. but yeah it is still struggle when you want to change materials.

                      mikaztro i think sees the violin distorted because of the effect of the chosen field of view.


                      • #12
                        Re: Testing the vray waters...

                        Thanks santos and Nomeradona ;D.

                        I didn't spend much time on these images. They are meant as a quick test to see how Vray for SU developed since the betas. I hope I can elaborate more next time. Some people, including you, are doing a great job rendering nice images here on the forum.

                        Indeed, I must say that Vray is much much faster then Maxwell which will make Vray very suitable for production work.
                        I can't wait to see the mapping issue solved and also a better way to be able to redo the materials once you have set them up.
                        You are right about the hard work that has been spent on the software by Joe and the rest of the team. It's really been improved since last betas.

                        Thanks for the comments guys and see you around



                        • #13
                          Re: Testing the vray waters...


                          biebel, you got a new toy I see.

                          *folks beware he is dangerously good with every render app that he uses, give him a month and he will be writting tutorials...I am just gonna leave now while i still have dignity on my home turf.

                          hiya nomeradona, silver and santos...lmfao.


                          • #14
                            Re: Testing the vray waters...

                            Hi biebel! Nice to see you in here too ;D ;D ;D!

                            So, i see you want to use a reflectance map for your floor, and that's a big issue i always check in a new renderer, because i use them a lot!

                            So, after a little play with Reflection maps i've come to this workflow:

                            1_set you arroway texture in SU
                            2_add a Vraylinked mat
                            3_add a reflection layer
                            4_click on M beside "reflection color"
                            5_set bitmap in the rollout, instead of fresnel
                            6_choose the arroway reflectance map. If you want, you may adjust the reflection glossiness
                            7- DONE :P

                            Quite simple, indeed... I'm going to post a test scene..

                            And now: explain me how the hell you managed to clip those goddamned leaves!


                            • #15
                              Re: Testing the vray waters...

                    , back in action..
                              This is only a test scene, guys..

                              but reflective maps DO work :P

