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Scene - External Residence

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  • Scene - External Residence

    It follows a recent work of an external scene.

    Critics and suggestions are always welcome

  • #2
    it looks good overall, my only crit is the guy in shadows in the garage.

    the side of the car is visibly illuminted, yet he is in shadow, looks rather odd.
    5 years and counting.


    • #3
      Looks nice, but I think that the car and person next to it are a little too large. The man's head is almost level with the top of the front windows - if he were to climb the step to get to the front door, he'd bang his head.

      Also, the brick/stone texture under the windows looks flat.


      • #4
        speed tree?


        • #5
          Thank you for the comments! :P

          The car is with self-ilumination 0,00.

          The car and the man are in scale, perhaps that impression is because of the camera. . .

          The trees are rpc's.


          • #6

            To me the scale also looks abit odd. I think the car and man are pretty close to the correct scale to one another, althought the car might be slightly on the big side. However what might be throwing the eye out is the profile sizes of the roof sheeting. Maybe you do get roofsheets with that profile where you are, but over here it would definitely be out of scale, which in turn makes the house appear smaller.


            P.S. I also think the back of the car looks to fuzzy, compared to the brick pillar.


            • #7
              Very nice job, Sandro.

              Check the front stone wall for missing bump or inverted bump map. It seams a little flat.

              Another issue is the structural wood texture. It looks too orange.

              Ps: Quando vai usar os carrinhos?


              • #8
                hello my friend
                as i had already said you, liked very much your render, but im my opinion should be better modeling completly roofs to give more realism and put some displacement or increase bump in rocks,ok!

                by from your" camarada"


                • #9
                  Hi Sandro !

                  Another little thing, Do you use Vray Material for the windows ??

                  Try a simple standard Max Material with Vray mat in the reflexion
                  slot in order to see through the window...

                  Add More details in the materials.Turn the wood bitmap in the direction
                  of the wood.
                  Can't you modelize more details in the roof ?or add bump.
                  Add some leaves on the foreground floor to make it more "dirty".
                  Did you use displacement for the foreground pedestrian way ?

                  Good job nevertheless!

