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kitchen and living room

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  • kitchen and living room


    this are some tests of a living room and kitchen space. just for fun.
    im an architecture student, and im learning everything i can.
    who knows, maybe some day i will be as good as santos, biebel, alq or qolb!

  • #2
    Re: kitchen and living room

    Wow! Salivatingly beautiful! I love the fabric finish on the couch. More please!


    • #3
      Re: kitchen and living room

      i think your renders are stunning. keep it like that.


      • #4
        Re: kitchen and living room

        who knows, maybe some day i will be as good as santos, biebel, alq or qolb!
        You have no worries mate, these are very nice, top class renders. Look forward to seeing more of your work.
        Sketchup 2015
        Vray version 2.00


        • #5
          Re: kitchen and living room

          nice work nektares... from podium to vray... keep it up. im sure you have a nice pc too can we see the render time? if im not mistaken your models are all from evermotion? may be you just need to change or lower your horizon line to create a better view or more realistic view. overall nice work. 5 stars for you bro.

          regards JDS


          • #6
            Re: kitchen and living room

            thanks for the c&c, they are very important to me. yes i noticed the horizon was a bit high, but i didnt save the ps file :/ so i left it like that  : models are indeed from evermotion, and about the rendertime.. my pc is not that nice, i have an athlon 64 with 2gb ram and 512mb nvidia gforce video card, im about to buy a quadcore with 4gb ram, im sure it will take less to render, render time for the home theater view was 3h51m the render time for the kitchen view 6h35m and the living room view 7h28m, i know i could improve the model too, but.. my poor pc couldnt take it anymore and kept crashing, so i left it like it is now. The original output was 1600x1200. thanks again !


            • #7
              Re: kitchen and living room

              its so cute so best so great
              congratulation to you


              • #8
                Re: kitchen and living room

                First of all pretty nice work Nektares. Looks pretty nice.

                Did you converted all the textures from the evermotion models to vismats or did you recreated your own materials?

                I see you also have problems with the round edges of your couch. I mean that the texture (tweed material) comes out pretty weird around the round edges. I have that same problem and posted it on the forum to see if somebody knows how to fix this. Do you have any ideas? I know it goes wrong in your hidden geometry. I really think this is a real big problem with v-ray for sketchup and hope to find a solution.

                Maybe I'm looking at to much detail, but just can't stand it.

                But very nice work! This is no critic on your work just trying to find a solution.

                I hope to hear from you,



                • #9
                  Re: kitchen and living room

                  Hey neil! i dont know how to convert .mat to .vismat so i did all my textures, and some where imported from the default library such as chrome, steel blurry, aluminium mate among others. About the edges, a projected texture works oddly on the corners because of the way sketchup handles the geometry, so if you slice it and separate the corners you may get a better result, but its a little bit annoying and you are applying it to a surface not a group so you have a bigger chance of a crash so i just applied my fabric linked material to the whole group the problem is not vray, its sketchup. Looking at detail is very important and i appreciate you do it, being critic is also good, because i can see your intentions are good, and i thank you for that. there is a
                  solution this are some images solo kindly took for us to understand how to map round stuff...

                  i hope it helps you cheers and thanks for the reply!


                  • #10
                    Re: kitchen and living room

                    Hi Nektares,

                    It seems you haven't got much to learn left
                    These are fine images.




                    • #11
                      Re: kitchen and living room

                      Hey Nektares,

                      Thanks for you advice. I tried it it out on a texture I've made and I'm not getting it right. I think I'm doing something wrong cause your example looks pretty good.

                      I've made a circle and spliced it up with a few faces. Added my textures, selected the faces and intersected them with the circle. Removed the intersected faces and check out the results below. I hope you know what I'm doing wrong.

                      I have another question, I hope you don't mind.

                      I'm creating my own interior scene and trying to get my v-ray sun right (Sorry, I'm still pretty new to v-ray). I think that your light (sun) in your interiors is very good. It feels realistic.

                      When I try out my sun and physical camera (tried out very much setting) I'm getting a pretty nice effect of the sun. The light falls through the windows on the floor but the rest of the room stays very dark. So my shadows are almost black. I'm wondering what kind of settings you've used to create such a balanced sun effect. Nice realistic shadows and pretty realistic light around the room.

                      Once again thanks for your help so far,



                      • #12
                        Re: kitchen and living room

                        to Neil:

                        did you rotated 45 deg the faces you are projecting? are you using a vray sphere?
                        and about the lighting, i cheat a little n_n i used a BIG vray rectangular light with value of 50, invisible checked. and played around with the physical camera until i got the desired effect, the visopt is default, some tiny modifications on camera and subdivs maybe, if you want them i have no problem uploading them. cheers!

                        to Mr biebel:
                        thanks for the kind words, if you liked it then its good. people in this forum are great too, reading what others share is what makes us all learn.


                        • #13
                          Re: kitchen and living room

                          amazing -

                          i have a question and a critique

                          First - how do you get the texture so intense on the couch - is it just a map with a lot of intensity? if so, what intensity is it that you change? Within the bump map dialog box?

                          Also, I think turning up the reflection glossiness on your aluminum counter top a bit would help with the second rendering a lot.

                          again, wow

