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Office buildings

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  • #16
    Re: Office buildings

    TOM,TOM,TOM!!! You killing us! least me... you left me with no words...But, what I really don't like is...stay calm, just a joke!!


    • #17
      Re: Office buildings

      Originally posted by stefanq
      TOM,TOM,TOM!!! You killing us! least me... you left me with no words...But, what I really don't like is...stay calm, just a joke!!
      LOL.. sorry Stefan.. kind of busy here. 3am every days this week :'(
      Don't have time to be more present on the forum..

      I'm cooking some really neat illustrations, héhé.. stay tuned.
      I did some copper material with blurry caustics,..yummy


      • #18
        Re: Office buildings

        very impressive!! im new in this vray renders, and i have heard of how ps can help, but never imagin it can be that helpfull, i have the video tutorials of ps top secrets, i think ill give it a look again jeje. congrats very nice work.


        • #19
          Re: Office buildings

          good work
          can u give a tutorial about reflecetion of trees on the glass?
          it is very good seen


          • #20
            Re: Office buildings

            im blown away by your post processing techniques.


            • #21
              Re: Office buildings

              Oh......It's so cool, I couldn't say anything about it. :P
              I'm learning from you, Tom.
              Sorry about my English :-[
              I like Vray for SketchUp.


              • #22
                Re: Office buildings


                Thanks for your nice words..

                Actually I try to post more renderings but I get an error message "upload folder full"


                • #23
                  Re: Office buildings

                  From a Belgian Tom to another Belgian Tom: great work. ;D


                  • #24
                    Re: Office buildings

                    You can upload your image to, and then you can paste the image link here.
                    I like Vray for SketchUp.


                    • #25
                      Re: Office buildings

                      So impressive..

                      How did you do the reflection of the trees on PS??

                      So amazing. ;D


                      • #26
                        Re: Office buildings

                        Originally posted by ckosio
                        So impressive..

                        How did you do the reflection of the trees on PS??

                        So amazing. ;D
                        Thanks a lot.
                        Yes indeed. As I do all the greenery is PS, the reflection of it has to be done in PS.
                        For me it is easier to control than opacity map and render...


                        • #27
                          Re: Office buildings

                          Originally posted by Stinkie
                          From a Belgian Tom to another Belgian Tom: great work. ;D
                          Hey Tom !
                          Is the Tom I know ? Where are your gret renderings, mate?


                          • #28
                            Re: Office buildings

                            When you did the grass, did you have grass images from about the same angle as you rendered from? Or did you generate it some other way? Did use flat textures and distorted it to fit the surface?
                            Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


                            • #29
                              Re: Office buildings

                              Originally posted by thomthom
                              When you did the grass, did you have grass images from about the same angle as you rendered from? Or did you generate it some other way? Did use flat textures and distorted it to fit the surface?
                              We have tons and tons of pictures of grass, field, crops, landscape,...
                              Lately, I try to generate infinite plan of sand or grass in soft like Vue6, but still is smells too much CPU for me

                              Our workflow is closer of matte painting than brute force 3D engine rendering


                              • #30
                                Re: Office buildings

                                Yes, I had a look at Vue6, but it felt very slow.
                                Did you collect the photos yourself, or are you using a commercial repository?
                                Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.

