Hi, I'm using Vray since a couple of months ago I find it fantastic! here is a sample of my first work. I would like to invite every one to post their comments, opinions judgments,etc. about it. I know there's a lot to improve, for example I would like to know hot to avoid the noise in the white background I can notice it a bit of dark dim spots. Thank you very much!
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Re: Logo
Hi Sheve_29
Good work to start
I think you should post the visopts file so that other know what options are you using and can help better.
Re: Logo
Sheva, you ask me for some comments - best play with the starterkit (forum tricks section). Some of your options are not the best: enable gamma correction (very important), avoid QMC adaptive amount 1 (you use a very old version of VfR, it's called DMC since a long time !?), noise threshold (looks quite low), IM rates (try max rate -1 for more speed) ..
Against the noise should help to set adaptive amount 0.85 (stick at this value allways) and try higher IM subdiv (samples) 100 -> 130 .. and (interpolation) samples at a light higher value like 30 or 40. The blotchy noise looks like a typical IM noise. A basic rule could be: blotches -> IM, fine noise -> DMC(QMC) noisethreshold and subdivs.
www.simulacrum.de - visualization for designer and architects
Re: Logo
Why not update it? It's a free update.www.simulacrum.de - visualization for designer and architects
Re: Logo
Originally posted by MichaA basic rule could be: blotches -> IM, fine noise -> DMC(QMC) noisethreshold and subdivs.
Originally posted by Michaenable gamma correction (very important)
My question is: in the second Method 2 using gamma correction color mapping, if my monitor is set to the value 2.2 which I have no idea :P, the value of the color mapping multiplier has to be set at 0.45, which comes from this operation: 1/2.2
Because actually I did it and my render is not that bright anymore, the reflections of the HDRI are better, the color of the GI is nicer, so can I also assume that my screen was set to 2,2 as well and that's why this change worked.
Re: Logo
I will try to make it simple:
* the IM is nearly independent from the DMC settings
* the DMC setting affect material reflection glossiness, refraction glossines, DOF blur .. everywhere you see the subdivs (but not the IM subdivs)
* important IM options are
- subdivs ... higher values cause that the lighting/environment is more sampled and
- samples ... means, how many surface sample points are interpolated (it's like a blur option for the lighting/shadow, if the value is to high, you lost details) and
- max rate ... deteminate, how detailed the lighting/shadowing will be calculated. Try value -1 (calculated at half image size) as standard and change it to -2 or 0, if you need it.
Linear workflow (Gamma correction) - I would say, forget the tutorial, it's not needed anymore. In the past, the gamma correction option was not implemented, but now it should be quite easy. The Vray engine works with gamma 1. Your textures and colors are at gamma 2.2 per Windows standard, so you need to enable correct textures/RGB input (2.2). Now textures/RGB are converted to Vray engine gamma 1. You screen is approx. at gamma 2.2, so you need to set the Vray output at gammma 2.2. If you like more contrast you could try output 2 or 1.8.
Attention: if you update your version ... I'm not sure how old your first version is ... the current version needs DMC noise threshhold .01 fine, 0.02 fast&raw, 0.005 extrem fine. I use 0.015 most.www.simulacrum.de - visualization for designer and architects