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Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

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  • Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

    im now doing the interior desing of my hanoi project...

    blessings now the client asked me to do also the interior after my meeting there in hanoi last week.

    Bedroom 1

    raw render

    ps by russel

  • #2
    Re: Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

    here is the link for a bigger image


    • #3
      Re: Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

      I really like the different lightning situation Nomer! Did you use the last release,and if yes, then witch light parameter do you think it's proper to use?


      • #4
        Re: Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

        Originally posted by stefanq
        I really like the different lightning situation Nomer! Did you use the last release,and if yes, then witch light parameter do you think it's proper to use?
        stefan, i tried SR but honestly i went back to vraySu again, there are just many things i feel uncomfortable with it.... i know the vray4su has also bugs, but i think i know all the turn around how to avoid them... so yes im still using the vray4su. jsut rectangular lights.


        • #5
          Re: Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

          Originally posted by nomeradona
          Originally posted by stefanq
          I really like the different lightning situation Nomer! Did you use the last release,and if yes, then witch light parameter do you think it's proper to use?
          stefan, i tried SR but honestly i went back to vraySu again, there are just many things i feel uncomfortable with it.... i know the vray4su has also bugs, but i think i know all the turn around how to avoid them... so yes im still using the vray4su. jsut rectangular lights.
          Have you tried SR1.5? I couldn't use Sr1.0 either due to bugs, but the SR1.5 is great!
          Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


          • #6
            Re: Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

            Good images you got here nomer. I like the blanket texture in the first few...wat did u use for it? The only thing that looks odd to me is that wall textre behind the bed...maybe it is because im not sure what it is but is it supposed to look so linear like that? If so, then just ignore me


            • #7
              Re: Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

              Originally posted by thomthom
              Originally posted by nomeradona
              Originally posted by stefanq
              I really like the different lightning situation Nomer! Did you use the last release,and if yes, then witch light parameter do you think it's proper to use?
              stefan, i tried SR but honestly i went back to vraySu again, there are just many things i feel uncomfortable with it.... i know the vray4su has also bugs, but i think i know all the turn around how to avoid them... so yes im still using the vray4su. jsut rectangular lights.
              Have you tried SR1.5? I couldn't use Sr1.0 either due to bugs, but the SR1.5 is great!
              yes i use it. but i dont know i still like the vray4su as preferred one, anyway there is no difference in speed.


              • #8
                Re: Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

                Originally posted by steelers05
                Good images you got here nomer. I like the blanket texture in the first few...wat did u use for it? The only thing that looks odd to me is that wall textre behind the bed...maybe it is because im not sure what it is but is it supposed to look so linear like that? If so, then just ignore me
                i just use a simple fabric texture and bump texture added. mmm that wall is a concrete texture with bump too.


                • #9
                  Re: Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

                  nomer...nice one there. I love the sunlight casted on the fabrics...very soft & leave the scene very comfortable to look at. i also love the texture of teh fabrics too. good work!! man.


                  • #10
                    Re: Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

                    art, the sun is mostly default except for 3... scale at 2, intenstiry at 1.5 and shadow subdivion at 32.


                    • #11
                      Re: Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

                      nice work nomer ilumination its a little dark for my taste, but bed materials are excellent, shoes are perfect.


                      • #12
                        Re: Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

                        Originally posted by teofas
                        nice work nomer ilumination its a little dark for my taste, but bed materials are excellent, shoes are perfect.
                        thanks theo, i know i always have the tendecy to have a bit darker lighting becuase of trying to play a drama in the scene. high key lighting i feel lacks drama. again that is me. on the other hand i have seen high key scene, yet very powerful. in the future, i guess i need to do the opposite.

                        i believe having a beleivable bed material is one thing, but you could have it by having beleivable model. imho to achieve you need both. i have seen good material but with stiff model. or with good model bad bad texturing. therefore you need both. i alway suse that material in my sofa and i even share this material under the vismat section of this site.

                        the shoes, i must say give the credit to Urgen. i downloaded actually this at and its one of his. ;D


                        • #13
                          Re: Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

                          Originally posted by thomthom
                          Originally posted by nomeradona
                          Originally posted by stefanq
                          I really like the different lightning situation Nomer! Did you use the last release,and if yes, then witch light parameter do you think it's proper to use?
                          stefan, i tried SR but honestly i went back to vraySu again, there are just many things i feel uncomfortable with it.... i know the vray4su has also bugs, but i think i know all the turn around how to avoid them... so yes im still using the vray4su. jsut rectangular lights.
                          Have you tried SR1.5? I couldn't use Sr1.0 either due to bugs, but the SR1.5 is great!
                          okay thom i gave a thought on this suggestion again. i reinstalled SR1.5 and trying it out, oops the same problem that i have with missing components, anyhow i will give it for couple of months. im also looking if its compatible with my favorite rubies such as smooth and subdivide etc.


                          • #14
                            Re: Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

                            [quote=nomeradona ]
                            okay thom i gave a thought on this suggestion again. i reinstalled SR1.5 and trying it out, oops the same problem that I have with missing components, anyhowI will give it for couple of months. im also looking if its compatible with my favorite rubies such as smooth and subdivide etc.
                            Are you missing components? Or groups? I've only had groups disappear, and they always return if I convert them into components. And I've never had an missing component.
                            Haven't tried with Smooth and Subdivide, but SR1.5 perform much much less serialization than SR1.0, so it doesn't interfer with ruby actions that much. Especially undoing ruby scripts. so far I've not experienced the serialization. I wasn't a big fan of SR1.0 as I had much trouble with it. But SR1.5 was what I was waiting for. I hope that it proves usable for you too.
                            Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


                            • #15
                              Re: Hanoi Project continuation_interior this time

                              sometimes writing all theses different build was just confusing, i did not realized until rexcently that SR1.5 is a new version, i thouuhg it was another build...because i did not noticed it in the announcement. so i thought you were talking of another build, but i realized your were not when i read again yur message. so i went to the announcement and sure enough to find it out. too bad too late for such agood news ah... anyhow i m surprised that it has toon material too which actually what i am requesting in the wish list, and wow even at least my point of making it easy for the newbie is there...
                              btw im talking about group not component.

