Hmmm nothing much here, just wanted some comments and crits if you dont mind... please thanks!
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Vertical shot, landscape... Not a house btw
Re: Vertical shot, landscape... Not a house btw
From looking at near buildings, i can say it's lens distortion.
The image is dramatic and thats a matter of choice and taste.
If you were trying to get a dramatic image, you've succeeded.
The grass is taking the most interest of the image, and looks like it's the center of attention and not the building itself.
Other than that it's great image.
Re: Vertical shot, landscape... Not a house btw
I think that the lens distortion negatively affects an otherwise beautifully composed scene.
The lighting of the entire scene is nicely balanced and matched with the background photo.
How did you acheive the grass field in the front of the image? I assume post-processing in PS...but correct me if I am wrong.
Re: Vertical shot, landscape... Not a house btw
I modeled everything! JUST KIDDING haha...
Thanks everyone i appreciate your comments! The background/foreground photo is courtesy of my good cousin Cedric Cruz (
I just photomatched my model with the photo. I used the same photo for GI and BACKGROUND maps, i think that's how i've managed to get my model blend with the scene, somehow... haha. I later on attached the background in PS for better alignment. Really simple isn't it?
He used ultra wide angle lens, hence the distortion, which i like (thanks for appreciating 40th).
I agree, too much grass, but i decided to stick with it to keep the idea that my cousin was probably thinking when he took the shot, dramatic, in his own words "so the eyes would wander... at the foreground first, then at the background, before you see them both as a whole." Plus i intended to keep his signature on the lower right of the image.