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Institutional exteriors

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  • Institutional exteriors

    Hey guys,

    i have been working with kerkythea since quite a long time, and just got myself a vray recently. Does do immensely cool stuff for me when i do interiors (which ill post up in another topic) but i have always had problems getting exteriors going along the tunnel of vacuum. I always seem to hit a dead wall

    Here are a couple of images of a render i have had almost NO time to work on, as someone once said " I am an architect in a hurry"

    These are two version of the same render, just tried a hand at post processing, and from the looks of it, i pretty much suck :P
    i am sure no one can even make out which one has had a hand at PS!

    I have been trying dfferent things but somehow, there's something missing, it's not what i would call, visualisation.
    Help me out pls!
    Design crits are welcome, i know it isn't the most futuristic design, but well...

  • #2
    Re: Institutional exteriors

    Hi, the good thing about Vray is that its perfect for architects in a hurry as its so easy to set up fast.
    In this scene it looks to me as though you just hit the render button without setting up any of the materials within Vray. They are all over-saturated standard materials.
    Add bumpmaps, reflections etc to your materials to bring more reality to the scene. As an architect you can appreciate each material has a unique properties and character to it. The glazing needs work on it too, just importing one of the standard vray glass materials into the scene will improve this.
    Practice creating your materials, I know you maybe busy but you have to spend a bit of time learning the software first. Once it 'clicks' you will be able to set up a scene like this in no time. You've spent a fair bit of time doing the modelling, so its only fair you spend a bit more time achieving the render your model deserves


    • #3
      Re: Institutional exteriors

      Hi Edonk, i really thank you and appreciate your comment

      I have been using Vray for quite a bit for interior scenes, i am attaching some examples here so you would understand my understanding of the software.

      GRASS has displacement map on it, but for some reason it's not visually apparent in bird's eye views, and very scarcely seen in eye level views as well. The WIERD diagonal things behind the WHITE ROLLS ROYCE on the grass is because of the displacement map. i don't know whats wrong with it.

      BRICKS, STONE and GREEN TILES have a bump map (i have tried with a displacement map too) along with specular reflection (Glossy reflection)

      GLASS/GLAZING i have tried using standard vray glasses, but somehow i dint get along with it. ill try again and post some images. At the moment it's a simple material with translucency and reflection with a high fresnel value for wherever required. Had a hard time getting this one going.

      The lighting setup consists of Vray SKY, and an omni light where i wanted the sun.

      here are some interior renders from the earlier days:


      • #4
        Re: Institutional exteriors

        This displaced grass problem occurs when it has not enough subdivisions on surface.
        To solve this you need to divide the surface to more faces (pieces if you will).
        Also the displacement subdivs count under disp. menu is important.

        You can find more info on this Here:
        SU 8
        VfS 1.48.89
        Win 7 64-bit

