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"Teofas Gallery READING CORNER 27 MAY"

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  • Re: ="Teofas Gallery" 4th FINAL FACADE =

    Excellent! You're truly a master of Vray and Photoshop postwork, Teo! Looking forward to seeing more of your renders and getting inspired.


    Personal projects (Fantasy and Sci-Fi):


    • Re: ="Teofas Gallery" 4th FINAL FACADE =

      Teo - that is a really great use of photo montage!!! What a perfect use of SU and vray to maximize the effect of the image! I'm so impressed with how effectively you are able to use simple SU modeling and spot-on vray settings to make your images just right.



      • Re: ="Teofas Gallery" 4th FINAL FACADE =

        Hi Teofas,

        I am new here, and I've been watching your work in this gallery. I gotta say that you are great with vray, but design needs work


        • Re: ="Teofas Gallery" 4th FINAL FACADE =

          ken, andy and soki thx for the kind words guys!!


          • Re: ="Teofas Gallery" 4th FINAL FACADE =

            Lamentablemente Teo, tengo que decirte que no hay algo que pueda criticar de tus trabajos, por mucho que a veces quiera hacerlo, ya que para eso tengo buen ojo. En mi trabajo actual realizo mucho fotomontajes con los renders y cada vez admiro más tu trabajo ya que no es facil lograr los tonos, iluminacion y ambientacion.

            Felicidades maestros al igual que Ken soy soy un fan mas tuyo!


            Teo Unfortunately I have to say that there is anything I can criticize your work, however much they sometimes want to because I have a good eye for that in my current work with a lot of montages and increasingly renders most admire your work and it is not easy to achieve the tones, lighting and ambience.

            Congratulations teachers like Ken I am a fan but yours!



            • Re: ="Teofas Gallery" 4th FINAL FACADE =

              cajon: I always feel gratefull to read comments, even if they are critics or lifting words like your my friend, in my begginings this community help me so much and i can say talking bout rendering that i grew up here. So words like your always inspire me to make it better, thx my brother!

              Gracias por tus palabras amigo, como siempre es un gusto leer palabras de animo, ya sabes que cualquier cosa en la que te pueda ayudar cuentas conmigo! saludos!!


              • Re: ="Teofas Gallery" 4th FINAL FACADE =

                the last sushi facade is so tight, congrats! i love the neons, is that a simple emmsive material? the internal lighting is spot on too! nice work dude


                • Re: ="Teofas Gallery" 4th FINAL FACADE =

                  Adam: Hi bro, thx for your comments, and yes neon is just an emmisive material.


                  • Re: ="Teofas Gallery" CASA NAYARIT=

                    HereS my lastest work, for the exterior I had to delete the perimeter wall so the client can see the garden, pool, etc. Interior is very simple i know (did it fast)....hope you like and if you feel like dropping a comments or feedbacks feel free to do so.


                    • Re: ="Teofas Gallery" CASA NAYARIT=

                      skp views ;D


                      • Re: ="Teofas Gallery" CASA NAYARIT=

                        I like the pictures! especially inside the ceramic is very good, but maybe you should renew some components, at least the couch I saw a lot in your pictures.
                        And the detail of vegetation outside having a blur into the background vegetation would be better if that were the focus, you can use the z depth photoshop agreeing that gives very good results.
                        Too bad you do not use the version where you can make AO passes, with images that would gain much in detail at the edges, and gives greater depth, as the depth z helps Paresce not flat images, but you have to do some tests to learn how to handle it.

                        Y en castellano porque mi ingles es muy malo:
                        Me gustan las imagenes! sobre todo la interior el ceramico es muy bueno, pero quizas debas renovar algunos componentes, al menos el sillon lo vi mucho entre tus imagenes.
                        Y el detalle de la vegetacion del exterior que tiene un desenfoque hacia el fondo quedaria mejor si la vegetacion fuese la que esta desenfocada, podes utilizar el z depth convinandolo en photoshop que da muy buenos resultados.
                        Lastima que no utilizas la version donde se pueden realizar pases de AO, con eso las imagenes ganarian mucho en detalle en las aristas, y le da mayor profundidad, igual que el z depth ayuda a que las imagenes no parescan planas, solamente hay que hacer algunas pruebas para aprender a manejarlo.


                        • Re: ="Teofas Gallery" CASA NAYARIT=

                          thx for feedback bro!


                          • Re: ="Teofas Gallery" CASA NAYARIT=

                            Heres my first sofa design, just for fun and is work in progress, done in 15 min, model in 3Dmax and render with skp and vray, very simple render but anyway wanna share


                            • Re: ="Teofas Gallery" CASA NAYARIT=

                              superb work teo, ur a genious


                              • Re: ="Teofas Gallery" CASA NAYARIT=

                                Shawn: I think "hard worker" suits me better than genious hehe, thx anyway for the kind words brother!

