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"Teofas Gallery READING CORNER 27 MAY"

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  • Re: "Teofas Gallery READING CORNER 27 MAY"

    Thanks Teofilo!!

    About your pictures above, I like more the first one.


    António Castro
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 975 Extreme Edit. 3.33GHz / 6.4GT/s 8Mb box / Motherboard Gigabyte GA-EX58-UDS / Asus GForce GTX275HDMI 896DD3 (12Gb) / Windows 7- 64bit / Sketchup 2013 / V-Ray


    • some new renders

      Long time no posting, here are some of my latest projects, design and redering done in my office. greeting to all

      Last edited by teofas; 14-03-2012, 09:36 PM.


      • Wow Teo!! Really awesome set of images! thanks for sharing.
        Some questions that come to mind:
        How does your computer handle all of those plants in sketchup? How long does each render run? Your stone material in that first image is perfect, Are you using displacement? I'd love to know your settings. Are you using a high GI multiplier or do you have extra lights in your interior shots or what's your trick? The smoothness of the light is really superb.
        Great job, Love it!


        • Hi teofas, I am a great fan of your work and your attention to detail is first class on the renders above. Im sure everyone will agree that your presence has been greatly missed on this forum. Like Andy I would love to know how you can produce such excellent results, especially on the exterior renders realistic planting and grass is a continued thorn in my side.
          Kind regards.


          • andy: the plants i use i can handle them because they are low poly plants from the warehouse, most of them, but the trick to make them more realistic is to apply some reflection layer with low glossines to the plants material, also make variations on the green tones of plants, each renders are about 30 min to 1 hr, depending on the resolution, some are 2000 px wide and others 1600 px wide (orignal ones no the ones i post) displacement is default setting with a multiplier of 4, the important thing with displacement is to use the right map for it with b&w and a little blurry. For interiors i always use as in fotography supports lights in this case some rectangular light behind the camara position in skp, some times i use 3 or more suport lights on a scene.

            arcgraphics: thx for the kind words bro, for planting i explain above, but for grass i use a grass texture and add a displacement, then in photoshop i add a layer of a grass texture above my render and make opacity to 30%, then use a vector mask and just let visible the grass image in the areas of the render wich has grass, and in this way i make grass a little more realistic that only with the displacement of the original render, this is a way i make grass with a little more variations. hope this makes sense.


            • fantastic work as usual, bravo!
              Best regards,
              Devin Kendig

              Chaos Group


              • dkending: Thx bro!


                • great work as always.
                  very realistic and a lot of great designs.
                  in vfs there is not a "guess verticals" button, but i think you could correct them a little in ps.
                  los campeones no nacen, se hacen...


                  • Omar: Thx for comments, the verticals i sometimes like how they look like this in some models. saludos.


                    • Our last proyect, design and render.


                      • nice pool, nice lighting, nice ambiance..


                        • thx nomer, as always your very kind bro.


                          • I agree with Nomer. Those render looks awesome!
                            Great job as always.



                            • Thx Fernando, im glad you like them!


                              • all of them are awesome and brilliant as always bro, and yes we all missed your posts and contribution, thx for the share,
                                If you have no critics you'll likely have no success.

                                youtube: N3Dvizstudio

