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  • bank&lounge

    Hy everyone!
    I`m posting another old work to see your reactios but mostly to have some advidce...
    I´m satisfied of project and renders are fair enough, the model was quite big and as always happens I had half the time required to do what i want... world of work is pretty tough...
    so... the thing that bothers me most is failing to resolve the noise problem in all my shot.
    how could have a nice lighting from exterior and keep some part of the model darker without have that horrible problem???

  • #2
    Re: bank&lounge

    hi sbarbo...
    i don't think noise is you're problem, but you have to increase you're light cache multiplier a lot.
    materials are well, but tree in the first sceene is too bright for it... perhaps you should look for a 3d tree just for those two shots.
    los campeones no nacen, se hacen...


    • #3
      Re: bank&lounge

      I absolutely love the 2nd image.

      I feel that if you were to put some more time into focusing on the foliage and interior plants that these images can really shine. At the moment they seem a bit unnatural where as the modeling, textures and lights seem real.

      The people in the first two are wonderful!

      The others i think you can get rid of a couple

      -The model (image 3)
      -The drunk girl in black (image 4)
      -Burrito guy (image 4)

      Like i said the Modeling and everything is great! Dont let my eyes be drawn to the various characters.

      Overall i really like these images!

      Keep up the good work

      -Intel Core i7-930-<br />-12GB DDR3 SDRAM-<br />-ATI Radeon HD5970-<br />-1TB Hard Drive-


      • #4
        Re: bank&amp;lounge

        i love the materials, specially the hardwood floor and the seats, i love the mode, specially the potter tree, light looks amazing, people looks great, excellent renders, just increase your HSph subdivisions and samples in the IR map, render will be slower but you will avoid those artifacts on the ceiling, you have to increase the samples on your blurry glass too, refraction always does that with the light, but what´s important is that everything else is great! i love your work!


        • #5
          Re: bank&amp;lounge

          thanks guys, you´re so precious!!
          i`m trying to apply your advices in my current works, i`ve never managed parameters too much in the IR map, but i think it`s time now to do some test...

