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WIP Complex Interior

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  • WIP Complex Interior


    Any suggestions on how to make white walls in an interior scene render more uniformly?

    Would like to know what you all think.

  • #2
    Re: WIP Complex Interior

    its coming nice, but theres some noise on the images. keep posting bro.


    • #3
      Re: WIP Complex Interior

      Its a good render and good design, If you want to create a better material on walls increase the irradiance map hsp subdivision something to 80, on the dmc sampler noise treshhold to .001 to reduce noise and use ligh cache in the secondary illumination, in the ligh cache add a subdivision value of 1200, maybe that will improve quality on your render good luck. congrats and keep posting.


      • #4
        Re: WIP Complex Interior

        Nice render!! Really like the design to.. Good work! ;D
        Robert O&#39;Halloran<br />&quot;Interior Architect &amp; Designer&quot;<br />


        • #5
          Re: WIP Complex Interior

          Nice render.

          Its a copy of a Dunsky Architects & Designers project right?
          Have you seen that render done by Polytown


          • #6
            Re: WIP Complex Interior


            I prefer to call it an arch hijack since I tend to drastically make changes to the original.

            For instance, in the polytown render--

            The glass corners on the staircase could rip out a rib.
            The stair handrail isn't connected to the glass and has no actual supports.
            The exterior walls out on the corner of the pool make absolutely no sense (because the rest of the structure isn't visible.
            The outside staircase seems impossible for poured concrete.
            The house overall is nauseatingly narrow.
            The TV and the sofa in the background are either oversize or...
            The scene was rendered with a fisheye lense effect (extreme distorting/perspective) allowing for more of the scene to be view.
            The camera height is relatively low.
            Judging by the render background, the house is at or just below lake level. That being next to a pool and having a basement is just asking for trouble.

            There's more similarities than differences but I wouldn't call it necessarily a direct copy.


            • #7
              Re: WIP Complex Interior

              Originally posted by UnicornPlanner

              I prefer to call it an arch hijack since I tend to drastically make changes to the original.

              For instance, in the polytown render--

              The glass corners on the staircase could rip out a rib.
              The stair handrail isn't connected to the glass and has no actual supports.
              The exterior walls out on the corner of the pool make absolutely no sense (because the rest of the structure isn't visible.
              The outside staircase seems impossible for poured concrete.
              The house overall is nauseatingly narrow.
              The TV and the sofa in the background are either oversize or...
              The scene was rendered with a fisheye lense effect (extreme distorting/perspective) allowing for more of the scene to be view.
              The camera height is relatively low.
              Judging by the render background, the house is at or just below lake level. That being next to a pool and having a basement is just asking for trouble.

              There's more similarities than differences but I wouldn't call it necessarily a direct copy.
              I do that all the time. Alot of my renders are based of other renders or designs. Great way to learn
              It really is a beautiful design


              • #8
                Re: WIP Complex Interior


                So, is this contest material?


                • #9
                  Re: WIP Complex Interior



                  • #10
                    Re: WIP Complex Interior

                    nice design
                    los campeones no nacen, se hacen...


                    • #11
                      Re: WIP Complex Interior

                      thank you, thank you

