Hi All,
I can not cope with the grainy cast of light in my render: http://ploader.net/files/a95a82d13d4...42cd38aa1e.jpg
My settings:
Image sampler: ADMC 1/100, Treshold 0.01 AA filter Catmul size 1.5
GI: Mlt 1 sun intensity 1
Physical Cam: speed 50, F11, ISO200
Primary engine: IM Mlt 1
Secondary engine: LC Mlt 0.8
IM: -3/0 Hsph 150, Samples 40, Col Trshl 0.25, Nor Trshl 0.1, Dist Trshl 0.3 Subdiv Mlt 1.0
LC: Subdiv 1200, sample size 0.01
DMC sampler: AA 0.85, Noise 0.002, Min Samples 8, Subdiv Mlt 1.0
Color Maping: Exponential, Bright Mlt 0.8, Dark 1.0, Gamma 2,2
Clamp Output - on
Sub Pixels: - on
Affect BG - on
I will be grateful if someone help me solve this problem. I've tried to change many things with the settings but whithout any succes.
I can not cope with the grainy cast of light in my render: http://ploader.net/files/a95a82d13d4...42cd38aa1e.jpg
My settings:
Image sampler: ADMC 1/100, Treshold 0.01 AA filter Catmul size 1.5
GI: Mlt 1 sun intensity 1
Physical Cam: speed 50, F11, ISO200
Primary engine: IM Mlt 1
Secondary engine: LC Mlt 0.8
IM: -3/0 Hsph 150, Samples 40, Col Trshl 0.25, Nor Trshl 0.1, Dist Trshl 0.3 Subdiv Mlt 1.0
LC: Subdiv 1200, sample size 0.01
DMC sampler: AA 0.85, Noise 0.002, Min Samples 8, Subdiv Mlt 1.0
Color Maping: Exponential, Bright Mlt 0.8, Dark 1.0, Gamma 2,2
Clamp Output - on
Sub Pixels: - on
Affect BG - on
I will be grateful if someone help me solve this problem. I've tried to change many things with the settings but whithout any succes.