This is my render of a retail shops. I notice behind the racking area is over bright, I try to reduce the Rectangular light multiplier but it couldnt fix it.
I'm using Vray version 1.05.03
my setting:
Image Sampler: Adaptive Subdivison, min -1, max 2; Threshold 0.1; Normals 0.05
DMC Sampler: Adaptive amount:0.95 ; Noise Threshold 0.01; Min Samples 16; Subdiv Mult 1
Color Mapping: Linear Multiply
DMC GI: Subdivs 10; secondary bounce 5
Irradiance Map: Min rate -3, Max rate 1
Hsph Subdivs 50; Samples 50
color threshold 0.2
Normal threshold 0.1
Dist thresold: 0.3
C & C are WELCOME. Thank You