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External Render - Kitchnetes - Kamimura

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  • External Render - Kitchnetes - Kamimura

    Hi Guys, i've been very busy theese days... But was for a good cause. I make a external render, and i'd like you coment and give more options to upgrade it !

    Here is the image :

    Link For HD :
    Click on the image, to see it full.

    Thanks !
    Rodrigo Kamimura - Soft House<br />55 (11) 8380-0042<br />

  • #2
    Re: External Render - Kitchnetes - Kamimura

    illumination is different in different cities, for me, and for the city in wich i am, it looks too burnt. i would, therefore, increase the f number value and play with the shutter speed and film iso only. also i find it a little too sharp and clean, and i believe that shadows need a little larger sun size value, but that's something you know already, cause you always achieve terrific results. great render!
    los campeones no nacen, se hacen...


    • #3
      Re: External Render - Kitchnetes - Kamimura

      you need to work on your composition like the way you treat your interior.


      • #4
        Re: External Render - Kitchnetes - Kamimura

        Arqesteves, thanks for the coment, and the attention... i'll upgrade it, be sure ! (i'm not so good on external renders)

        Nomeradona, thanks cuz u like my internal renders, but can u help me, what can i do to get a better composition...

        Thanks guys !
        Rodrigo Kamimura - Soft House<br />55 (11) 8380-0042<br />


        • #5
          Re: External Render - Kitchnetes - Kamimura

          first of all you need to consider the location of your horizon line. whenever you put the horizon line in the middle, it immediately divide the picture plane. in this case, i think its better to show more of the sky and cropped a bit the road area.

          second, perhaps use a longer field of view. the shallow FOV made the paralax effect.

          third is it really necessary too put that building on the left? you can use it as framing tool by cropping it at the same time blurrying it a bit.


          • #6
            Re: External Render - Kitchnetes - Kamimura

            Hello Kamikura, nice exterior I agree with Nomer about composition and design as well, for me the building in the background catch my eye more than the one you wanted to show, and for sure bring some more drama to your exterior needs plants or a beautyful trees, and you need to work on design, or I dont know if it is a building that already exist.


            • #7
              Re: External Render - Kitchnetes - Kamimura

              Thanks, i'll use all this comments in the next scene...

              (and the project was not mine... )
              Rodrigo Kamimura - Soft House<br />55 (11) 8380-0042<br />


              • #8
                Re: External Render - Kitchnetes - Kamimura

                . by the way. ur stuff is so realistic. how did you make dirty edge on the road? and how did you do with the background? is the background photoshop? your skills are SO amazing!

