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Another Hotel Room...WIP

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  • Another Hotel Room...WIP

    I hv been using Lightscape for over 6 yrs and I liked it alot bc of the short rendering time, but lately i hv been thinkin of retiring it and switch to Vray, hence Im doing this hotel room for a test. In LS, with proper settings, a room like this can be rendered out at bout 10 seconds a frame....but the only downfall bout LS is the modeling. Its quite a pain.

    This image however is rendered out with Vray. It took bout 13-15mins to render this frame out on my Athlon Dual 1.6 with 1.5 Ghz of RAM. The settings are pretty basic with Med IR. and the only objects reflecting are the floor/tv/mirror (tho u hardly see the floor reflecting) the question is, am I doin anything wrong or is there any quick way to setup the rendering panel to achieve faster rendering time? 13 mins is alittle too long to wait for me. What say you all? Is 13 mins a good time for a room like this (640 x 400 pix)

    Thanks. C+C welcome.

  • #2
    I think 13 mins is about right - maybe you can get it down a couple more minutes with some cheats - but I don't think any lower than - that -are you using IES lights? if so those tend to bum up your render time quite a bit .....

    as for the image:
    I think is a bit overly bright - especially at the window area - I like the lighting over the bed and the blanket......over all very nice!!



    • #3
      I think 13 minutes is very high!(if you do camera fly anim)>
      I mean u can reuse the irradiance map.>
      Dont know how much you know about it. So if you have your camera movement done. (i guess teh whole animation is camera fly right?)
      Set that max renders every 10th frame only. Set the in the advanced irradiance map menu the incremental add to current map.Check also autosave and give it a path/name. In the global switchies "don't render final image, calculate only gi" this should be done quite fast even with high setings. Gi calculation is done.

      THen u go again to the advanced imap menu and select the "from file", select the path to your saved imap and the uncheck the calculate only gi, Then set back to render every frame, and you are done, you can render the whole camera fly through very fast even on a single machine.



      • #4
        Originally posted by losbellos
        I think 13 minutes is very high!(if you do camera fly anim)>
        yeah, I meant for a high res still - for an anim frame that is very high.



        • #5
          13 mins is for a still image.
          The animation path (with incremental IRmap) is alot faster. im calculating it at every 10th frame at 1/3 of its final resolution. Will find out tomorrow how long its gonna take to render a frame recycling the IRmap.


          • #6
            it will more helpful if u use fisheye camera to make the irradiance preset.
            i dont think u need to calculate every 10th frame.


            • #7
              Achin, do you mind posting an example rendered in LS in about 10 seconds, just to see the quality it can get in such a short time?

              I guess you're talking only about the last rendering pass in LS, not the radiosity computations ...



              p.s. If anyone finds this question inapropriate to this forum, please ignore it. My apologies.


              • #8
                actually its not too bad at all, i calculated at every 10th frame 1/4 resolution, it finished the IRmap in less than 1.5 hours. by recycling the IRmap, i can render out the stills with less than a min each.

                thumbs up for Vray


                • #9
                  id like to know where you get your ies lights from. im using the ones from ercos website with the luminaite parametric light plugin. and i dont get such well defined light signitures like im seeing on your wall

                  MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                  stupid questions the forum can answer.


                  • #10
                    The bed looks very soft nice job. Are you using a standard material with faloff or Glossy reflections or ?
                    Eric Boer


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Da_elf
                      id like to know where you get your ies lights from. im using the ones from ercos website with the luminaite parametric light plugin. and i dont get such well defined light signitures like im seeing on your wall

                      That looks like a ornamental 5point star. You would rarely use ornamental halogens for standard lighting.
                      Richard De Souza



                      • #12
                        The solution in lightscape didnt take you 10 seconds? Did it? How long did the solution take and the raytracing seperately? Form my experience I can tell you right now that the solution must have taken 10-30mintues at the very least for a crappy solution and 5-10 minutes a frame with AA at6-7 with fine bumps for glossy refelctions.
                        You should post a comparison because your verbal description doesnt make sense.
                        Carlos Grande


                        • #13
                          cgrande is right

                          lightscape first computes a radiositysolution that for sure didnt take only 10 secounds. If was so, lot of people didnt switch to vray

                          vray in architectural renderings comes to speed, when reusing i-maps.




                          • #14
                            You have some fast RAM!!

                            Eyecadcher Media

