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Day'n'Night +pooltable, Revised

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  • Day'n'Night +pooltable, Revised

    Hi All!
    Im a new vray user, thought i should post my first 100% finished project (for now).
    C&C are welcome

    just something i did for testing DOF i inspired by Tom Winberg

  • #2
    it would be better if you host your images on a webspace we are able to access...


    • #3
      i'll fix it!


      • #4
        Look verry good, only in night scene fix GI receive for table and chairs.


        • #5
          thanks for comment, i'll do some PS work and post new images very soon


          • #6
            I really like the greenish glass caustics in the back table of your first and second images. And awesome DOF on the pool table- I never get DOF working right in any of my max scenes with or without vray- end up faking it with photoshop.
            LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
            HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
            Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


            • #7
              I found something intersting as I looked on the pictures. I am a kinda painter. If you see the daylight image the paints get desaturated, but on the night image the colors gets back. However in real life it is the opposite.
              Lamp's light makes the paints desaturated, and dull.

              Otherwise looks great!


              • #8
                Originally posted by losbellos
                I found something intersting as I looked on the pictures. I am a kinda painter. If you see the daylight image the paints get desaturated, but on the night image the colors gets back. However in real life it is the opposite.
                Lamp's light makes the paints desaturated, and dull.

                Otherwise looks great!

                Any idea how to fix this?


                • #9
                  Great renderings!

                  As for the saturation problem: did you use different color mapping for night and day? Maybe you just have to use two maps. A saturated one for day and a desaturated one for night...



                  • #10
                    Hi All! Tnx for your comments, Here are edited ver. of the renderings.
                    C&C are welcome.


                    • #11
                      Hey, those are very nice renders!

                      Concerning the saturation, I think your edits are on the right way but they show a little too drastic differences. Instead of just editing the images, try rendering again but with different saturation levels on day and night maps (jpegs), and make the variations softer. One more thing : rather decrease the saturation level on the night paintings, then increase it on the day ones.

                      Again, great images!




                      • #12
                        ok, i can re-render the images. tnx for advise. i'm planning a new "project" and hopefully this one will be better


                        • #13
                          Hey Pedersen great renders!!!
                          I am a complete beginner to vray and I would like to ask you if you can e-mail me ( your scene, PLEASE!?!?!(for educational purposes only!)
                          I would REALLY appreciate

                          Thanks a lot!

