A little motion graphics piece I did using Maya, V-Ray 2.0 and a procedural destruction plugin called Fracture:
Music by The Glitch Mob. In 720p on Vimeo.com.
Post production in After Effects, all rendered as a multi-channel EXR and composited together using Linear workflow. DOF and motion blur done using Frischluft & RSMB plugins. Used Adaptive DMC with IM+LC on all shots. 1400 subdivs on the LC and Medium Animation preset for the IM. Three lights in the scene with 20 subdivs which actually proved too little and I got a ton of noise in the reflection passes. I had some trouble with splotches in the shadows. Tried using Spot3d's tutorial for moving camera+moving objects which fixed most of it.
As a little tip, I really do NOT recommend multi-channel EXRs to be comped in After Effects
It's incredibly slow.
Music by The Glitch Mob. In 720p on Vimeo.com.
Post production in After Effects, all rendered as a multi-channel EXR and composited together using Linear workflow. DOF and motion blur done using Frischluft & RSMB plugins. Used Adaptive DMC with IM+LC on all shots. 1400 subdivs on the LC and Medium Animation preset for the IM. Three lights in the scene with 20 subdivs which actually proved too little and I got a ton of noise in the reflection passes. I had some trouble with splotches in the shadows. Tried using Spot3d's tutorial for moving camera+moving objects which fixed most of it.
As a little tip, I really do NOT recommend multi-channel EXRs to be comped in After Effects