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  • WIP


    this is a work i´m doing for as a favor for a friend for Uni, and
    my first try with HDRI.

    Still a wip!

    Comments will be welcome!


  • #2
    Interesting render.

    I think the rooms in the top picture need some furniture. They look v odd being empty. That tree on the left needs changing as it looks terrible. Not too sure about the water either.

    Just my two pence worth....
    How come Psychics have to ask for your name?


    • #3
      In the second pic the wooden floor is too big, try to game with the UVW mapping, the illumination looks good

      3d Graphics ||


      • #4
        The rendering is very nice.

        Just get rid of the front tree



        • #5

          I agree its a great image. I agree with both comments, the tree in front looks saturated and the wood flooring is too big, make 1/3 based on your concrete wall size texture.

          I think its a great EXTERIOR / INTERIOR HDRI. Most HDRI uploads seem to be the close-up glass pieces, etc. I think its great to see such a post.

          Id love to see a quick tutorial of setup. Are there any recessed can lights? What other lighting is in the building. Quite interesting, what is the space for?

          As for the window detailing, it needs some help, unless you want to pay 60,000 for each window pane. Id show some something as to how the window piece will break up structurally...Its the only thing that JUMPS out at me!

          Great job, look forward to seeing it progress.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Arkitec
            As for the window detailing, it needs some help, unless you want to pay 60,000 for each window pane. Id show some something as to how the window piece will break up structurally...Its the only thing that JUMPS out at me!
            same here....hehe...must be all that arch training....

            I agree w/ the previous comments.....I really like the lighting for the inside shot - very nice.



            • #7
              Thanks for the crits!

              This is a work to present at university, I was helping a friend to present his project, and it was made in 1 day, so there was no time to try either materials or lighting.

              I agree with the tree, but the renders were made 1 hour before presentation, so no time to change it and render again, and the window panes, it doesn´t matter the price, this is just a student project, not a project to build, and you know students, still learning.

              The only light in scene its a direct light with skylight, except the interior one that has a vray light in the window as a skylight portal (and than again, no time for tests, thats why i dind´t change the wood floor UVW map, that its really big.

              The space is a private house!

              I don´t have much time to improve it, as it´s been presented already, but i´ll do it in my free time.

              I´ll post an update soon,


