I based this image on the summerhouse created by Saunders Architecture. Images of the real thing can be found at: http://architecturelab.net/hardanger-retreat-summer-house-norway-by-saunders-architecture-15103/
I wanted to give a late summers day feel with warmth, seclusion and calm.
Please let me know what you think. This image took ages to do in between jobs. All trees were made with growfx. Ivy was growfx. I have other angles and lighting to do but have yet to render them out. I wanted to get this one up to get the ball rolling
Please right click and open in new window to see full size image.

I wanted to give a late summers day feel with warmth, seclusion and calm.
Please let me know what you think. This image took ages to do in between jobs. All trees were made with growfx. Ivy was growfx. I have other angles and lighting to do but have yet to render them out. I wanted to get this one up to get the ball rolling

Please right click and open in new window to see full size image.
