please need all crits ......have to get this contract ....very very urgent
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exterior custom house wip
your trees look over saturated and cutout.
and yes the shadows are missing.
great start...
the trees in the back look to "randomly" placed. Unless that is the actual condition of the landscape, i wouldnt use so many different types. Id stick with the tree placed above and left of the garage door. I think the different types of trees are distracting to what you are trying to show....-the house.
Shadows will make a big difference. The left edge of the house looks like it is floating, especially where the grass is hitting the back side of the house at the horizon line. I would also increase your plane depth of the grass. It reads now that the grass stops very close to the back of the house, yet the trees seem further back then that.
Id also include something that demonstrates scale, typically done by using human figures....
Good luck,
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