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glossy refractions...

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  • glossy refractions...

    ...might be a pest for your rendertimes, but they're kind of addictive.
    As long as you keep of the translucency checkbox and put a material wrapper over it, and don't coma too close.

    A WIP, I need to finish two photomontages by tomorrow.


  • #2
    Looks cool so far

    As for the glossy reflection: Do you think (or know) it redners faster with a mat wrapper over a gloss mat?




    • #3
      Knowing materials, it probably slows down with a mat wrapper. Anything added to a standard material will slow things down. But a mat wrapper (send GI 1.2, recieve GI 1.5) makes it look good, without it looks terrible.



      • #4
        Marc, I like your work a lot, but my only problem with this image is the glossy refractions. Where are they?? Are you able to post up an image that doesnt have the glossy refractions to compare?

        Chris Jackson
        Chris Jackson


        • #5
          Look at the glass facade - there some panes of "frosted glass". I think this is what Marc is referring to.


          • #6
            Great work as usual Marc. Man, of all the viz guys I know on this forum, I think Marc gets the best clients (design wise). You lucky dawg Marc. Have you ever done work for Rem?


            • #7
              Hey Brim,

              I believe that that is understandable, if you ask me in wich country the best all around architecture is being produced, it has to be the Netherlands, don't you agree?

              By the way Marc are an architect?

              Sorry if I sound little too architectonic

              Great work Mark, would you share you mat settings, and how does the mat wrapper work?


              • #8
                agree with you guys but, marc, I can also see some MVRDV style in your building, isn't it?

                About the rendering I like those glossy reflective panel, just one question: how long did it take the render with those glass and how long without? Which computer?

                Great rendering but, if I can, you can improve your sky and ground and contrast. To me you need a better light, more shadows... only a suggestion...

                thx in advance (sorry for my awfull english...)



                • #9
                  without frosted glass 15 min. on a dual 800, with frosted glass 24 min at a 1500 pixels wide resolution.

                  Hey and thanks for the nice comments.

                  No, I never worked for Rem Koolhaas, but I heard he pays very bad, so I probably never will. I work for Herman Hertzberger, he pays well.

                  Yes, I'm an architect, but I all the design I render are designed by other architects. But, being an architect, I know a lot of other architects. I used to be a practicing architect, but I gave that up because I found it a too boring profession. I now do visual full time and find that much more creative, although by times a little too hectic.

                  And I think MVRDV sucks .

                  As an architect, for me it's really easy to understand complex architecture, so clients with complex building to visualise come to me, after the competition messed up . When they come, they usualy stay.
                  You have to be nice to them though



                  • #10
                    Hey Marc. I don't particularly like MVRDV too much either. Have you seen that pig farm high-rise...weird stuff. Yes, I also heard that Koolhaus pays horribly, especially his interns. I've heard of some guys working there for free just to have experience with Rem's office. I think it's a bunch of bull. I didn't go to 4-6 years of school to work for free. But I guess some people are in love with the career of architecture. Anyways, keep up the nice work.


                    • #11
                      Hey Marc. I don't particularly like MVRDV too much either. Have you seen that pig farm high-rise...weird stuff. Yes, I also heard that Koolhaus pays horribly, especially his interns. I've heard of some guys working there for free just to have experience with Rem's office. I think it's a bunch of bull. I didn't go to 4-6 years of school to work for free. But I guess some people are in love with the career of architecture. Anyways, keep up the nice work.
                      yep I can sure confirm that: my ex-girlfreind was a Rem Koolhaus intern.....she worked for him for about 3 months - for free
                      then she went back to Columbia (U of Columbia in New York) where she's finishing up masters in arch........she said they worked her like a damn slave. Sometimes, 12 to 14 hours days w/ no pay.......all in the name of experience and "prestige" of working for Rem........a bunch of bullsh*t.
                      I like the proffesion very much, but as you said Brim, I didn't go to arch shool for 6 years getting a masters, just to work for "free", no matter who that is I work for!!
                      and, yeah, MVRDV is weird too me as well......some of their work is ok, most is qite strange.......

                      PS: nice work btw, Marc.......


                      • #12
                        It seems to me that OMA, MVRDV, and all the mediatized architecture agencies work on their image rather than making sincere architecture. Of course there are exceptions but I usually like much more a simple low cost well done architecture because it responds to a defy. Those guys are not only architects, they're even more businessmen.




                        • #13
                          hehehe....architect / businessman. I've heard that one before. Well to a certain extent you have to be a well-minded business and a risk taker at that, to get your great designs built. You have to be able to find the right client and then get the design through all the legal mumbo jumbo. Actually these firms, especially Koolhaus, have a lot of power in that they're established and are able to pretty much design what they want (well at elast that's what they want us to believe). Interesting discussion here. I hope we're not boring any non-archiecture VRay users.


                          • #14
                            You are right, OMA and MVR... whatever are highly mediatized firms that rely a lot in the bluff, I was talking about not so high profile offices that are vey heavy in the experimentation side, and the work that Mark is doing is proof of that, besides as far as I know Van Berkel & Bos and Winka Dubbeldam are a tad more honest.

                            What do you guys think?


                            • #15
                              as far as I know Van Berkel & Bos and Winka Dubbeldam are a tad more honest.

