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Andybot renders

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  • Andybot renders

    Hey there. Thought I would post something I'm working on too. I comment often, but rarely post, so here's something for comment.
    The original building looked like the next door one, with no rooftop addition.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Brilliant image Andy. Has everything a good Arch Viz image needs. Warm and inviting. Sure your client is very pleased.
    Would be interested to know what is PS and what is raw render?


    • #3
      Thanks! Appreciate your comment.
      Here are some images from my workflow.
      1. original image of existing building
      2. vray render
      3. material ID channel - allows me to tweak individual materials in photoshop.

      Some notes:
      I cut out a part of the original image to be the foreground (some of the neighboring buildings, ornamental tree, street signs/ lamps, and cars)
      I used photomatch to draw some of the details on the existing building, but I adjusted the view some for the render since the perspective was too skewed to use as is.
      I have just one decent tree in sketchup, and with enough material to use in the existing photo, that's enough in this case.
      I have a cylinder around the model behind the view with some of the street context images to give some proper reflections in the glass. The glass has a slight noise bump-map just so the reflections aren't perfect.
      I have the grass mapped in the yard like I show in the material ID tutorial.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Cheers Andy
        Thats really helpful


        • #5
          I recently got a few as-built photographs of some renders I did 2 years ago. Thanks chaosgroup (and asgvis developers) for this great tool, I am so looking forward to the new versions
          Attached Files


          • #6
            oner of my favorite channel is material ID

