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Mononoke (woman´s head)

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  • Mononoke (woman´s head)

    Hi everyone, this is Mononoke from the same named excellent anime movie.
    The hair (shag hair) I couldn´t render with VRay because it exceeded 2.8 GB of RAM usage. Hope it will work with the unlimited poly thingy.

    Here´s the final VRay render, as you can see there are two splotches on the right eye and left ear I had to paint away in Photoshop. Don´t know how to get rid of them. I´ve got no Raytrace Materials and no Double faces and applied cropping to every texture? Assigning just a standard material to the head doesn´t help. Neither does merging the scene.
    Changing settings in the irradiance map can make the splotches lesser or more, but doesn´t clompetely fix it.

    Here is my first test with transculency turned on:
    it took seven hours to render, so it will be hard to find the right settings.
    Don´t have much experience with that, so maybe you can give me some advices to reduce the amount of test renderings.
    How do you reduce the produced gain of the sss effect? Refract Intepolation samples?
    Don´t worry about the black bucket on the left ear, I had to stop rendering to get my harddrive to work
    I think the yellow block on the right eye is the red splotch of the other pic, just with sss.

    Here the material settings:

    Right now I used a bunch of 3dmaps (looking similar to flesh and veins] in the transculency slot. Or should I paint a texture based on the bump map?
    Also, would you recommend to make a map for the refract slot too?


  • #2
    Wow, that's really great. The translucency looks awesome. Did you change the light colors for that one or is that subtle blue caused by the reflections. I can't really help with the specific questions you asked but it looks like you're going in the right direction. You could probably lower your Reflect/ Refract Subdivs quite a bit and still get acceptable results.



    • #3
      Lovely! Congrats!


      • #4
        this got not enough responds i think.

        A tip... try to start your windows with the /3GB switch in your boot.ini.
        So Windows can give Programs more Memory. (SystemMem/PageFile)

        This is not just useful for Vray but for other Applications as well.
        It does not work on all computers though, you have to try it out. Good Luck!

        Otherwise, cool picture!


        • #5
          Excellent work !

          Some brown skin on the neck (under her left chick) disturbs me a bit, though, and you may put a bit more SSS (ears, nose). My 2 cents. The eyes are looking great.

          Concerning the 3GB switch, be care. It may not work if you have a SATA controller working with some RAID (such as promise). It's working fine at my job but my XP can't start at home (keep a booting device or duplicate the line in order to choose which boot you want :

          multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS="Micros oft Windows XP Professionnel" /fastdetect
          multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS="Micros oft Windows XP Professionnel" /fastdetect /3GB

          ATTENTION, this will work with XP pro only (depends on your partition order too).

          Happy new year.


          • #6
            that area looks to me to be a shadow from the earling

            MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
            stupid questions the forum can answer.


            • #7

              You might want to try turning off "receive shadows" on the eyes.
              Could you please post some more renders?
              Is this work for a client?

