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photons living room

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  • photons living room

    hello guys
    i bring for you another job and another photons trying. This time i like more the light solution, as you can see i could decrease the amount of blothes and artifacts, comparing with my last image ( beedroom interior) but the problem with this image was the time render... 8 hours is a higher time, a cant afford by this. I was thinking if it could be amount of reflected materials with blurr reflections... however, all of them i put a very down value at subdivision = 3 or 5, so i dont know if this was indeed the problem

    natal - brazil

  • #2
    Very nice illumination. Could you tell some more about the lighting technique (types of lights, multipliers, color mapping, etc.)?

    A few crits : There is an artifact in the upper area of the door, but you already must have noticed that. Also, the light falloff coming from the wall lamp looks strange. Finally, I'd suggest desaturating the first plan flower and it's vase.

    Concerning the render times : how many polys are there in your scene? Try the interpolation option for the blurry reflections (using 50 subdivs or so, plus you can control the number of passes for each material ) and see if the result satisfies you. Anyway, it should render faster.

    Again, excellent work.




    • #3
      hello nenad

      as i was really worry about light solution , i had notticed about this details you comment, ( artifacts, strange lamps and saturated plant ) however, as i was really interested in get a good light solution, forgot those points. Talking about lighting thecnique, i've been using photons at secound bounce , folowing what metroberlin told me on my last post; put a very down multiplier at light and full of light increasing dark multiplier. Put two vraylights , one at the door and another at the windows, but i didnt put a direct light as sunlighting; as color mapping i use exponencial with 8 in dark multiplier. AS i am always testing , i dont remember very ewll what are all settings, but i just discovered that problem with time was coused by blurred reflections ... i am rendering another scene and now it is been rendering in 10 minutes.

      Would like to ask to someone how likes to help, if there is some advantage in rendering with photons at first bounce without be necessary trade first by irradiance to make final render... i am asking this because in one of my tests i got a very good result using only photons at first and secound bounce... but unfortunatelly i dont know more how to achieve this results again. What is needed to get a god image with photons at first and secound bounce? increase subdivision of light? or change density or distance... i am really confused yet

      thanks by any help
      natal - brazil


      • #4
        my one crit is that the books above the computers in the office den look like they are 1 inch deep instead of the regular 5-6 inches.
        5 years and counting.


        • #5
          Well i want to suggest something, this i heard from Goncalo's, but it has work wonders for me, frist hide all the small objects that doesnt contribute nothig great to the GI, second, disable all the reflections, third, work with light by light to archive a good photon map, also this works for you to know how much light is contributed by each of the light emmiters, once you get the illumination right for every emitter right, you should calculate the photn map again with all the lights on, then unhide all the small objects and voila!! there you go!
          As for the artifacts on the door i doubt that adding more subdivision on the lights will change this, but give it a try i usually dont use nothing less than 1500 for a light.

          the good result you got from the photon map, was probably because there are too much subdivisions, and you can get a nice scene, but it will take a lot of time to calculate, the best thing to do is to calculate an even map for the lights and then let the IR make all the diffuse lighting from the photon map.

          I dont ever use the exponential color mapping, this usually washes away all the colors, please use some good subdivisions for every light, 100 bounces, 3 for threshold, a search distance of 5 and max density of 1, and change this photon map to ir map, and probably youll end up with a better result.

          Please if someone can correct me, do so, im always tring to do my best here!

          Cya guys
          Best Regards.

          Jorge Zamudio.


          • #6
            I just discovered that problem with time was caused by blurred reflections ... I am rendering another scene and now it is been rendering in 10 minutes.
            What have you changed in your settings?

            If there is some advantage in rendering with photons at first bounce without be necessary trade first by irradiance to make final render...
            As far as I know, Photon Maps are supposed to be used for the fisrt bounce only for testing purpose, then switch back to IMap or DC for the final computation.

            I am asking this because in one of my tests i got a very good result using only photons at first and second bounce... but unfortunatelly I dont know more how to achieve this results again.
            Are you sure you've used a photon map for the first bounce? If so, I'd love to see the result.




            • #7
              hello oblivion,
              really thanks for your answer. i was trying to understand what makes us realize when we have a good light solution looking for photons results, because they are always full of blotches, how can i recognize a good light solution at thhis blotches? i still dont know how to interpret them... what is better? big balls and blotches or little balls?

              thanks in advance
              natal - brazil


              • #8
                hello nenad

                my problem is about specular highlights. at this scene i made lot of wood pieces with smoth corners, and i would like to put them in evidence with specular highlights. I thought that only way to do that was using reflective materials with glossines . I dont know if there is another solution for this, but i turn them of, because indeed i cant wait so for in order to a render. My glossines configuration was 3 on subdivision and ,75 on glossines value.
                thanks by your advices and i'm not really sure if i get a render with first and secound bounces in photons.. . it was already too late when i got it and may i have felt in a dream... lol..
                see you bud, and thanks again
                natal - brazil


                • #9
                  Ok silver, ill tell you how do I interpret the bloches on the global photon map.
                  As u start playing with the light subdivisions, you will see that, if you have 300 sub, and hit render, you will end with big bloches and a very contrast image between the bloaches and the dark areas right? as u keep on pushing the values of the subdivisions higher you will notice that the bloches become more even in your scene, this (TO ME) means that the information produced by the photon map its more distributed in your scene and the smallest it get, the better, but theres a point that starts to become very long to calculate and you cant see a significative imporvement in your scene, when u get a good result with enough subdivisions for it, and when you transform the photon map to the IMap, for the frist diffuse, this will give enough samples to give you a smooth result.

                  Sometimes you dont need to calculate a so high photon map, so i suggest you that start from the bottom and keep going up until you get what u want!!

                  Hope it helps, if i can help u with something else please let me know, im on MSN
                  Cya .
                  Best Regards.

                  Jorge Zamudio.


                  • #10
                    hey jorge, thank you very much dude, i am appreciating a lot your help and nenad's help, you both are good guys (and if someone else wants to help, you are welcome
                    well, as i was saying, folowing lot of advices that i receive here, i my lighting system and will post here in order to we discuss a bit more about it.

                    over here , as you can see , i decrease very much the calculate of irradiance ... that fisrt image tooks something like 1:00 hours and 8 :00 hours to rendern final image at 800 x 600.

                    here the image, also a better render time, realizing that at this job i am not focusing in composition and colors distributions, but indeed in lights system , render times and find out solutions to blotches troubles. I guess image its cleaner but in my opinios it is still a bit flat . I believe that down table should have more soft shadows... would like to know mate's opinions and advices about this points

                    natal - brazil


                    • #11
                      Well, i think that the shadows under the table are right, because there's a lot of light going into the room, but if you want to get more shadows, i think that's been affected by the Exponential color mapping, and i got to tell you, i have always got the feeling that exponential washes away the colors a bit, about the light, i think it looks too harsh coming in, i think that if you increase the W size of it (is one of this values, i dont remember right if it is W), it will has softer edges, as the light travels away from it source it has the tendency to get the softer.

                      And i know you didnt ask for it but, the carpet looks a little bit like floating as the dart board, when u use the vray displacement, im guessing you are using the 2d mapping, well, so the thing dont look above the place you put them try this for example: If you put a numerical value of 1 for the amount displacement, put -1 for the shift so it displaces it in its place, and it doesnt give you the floating polygon.

                      Cya later mate, hope this helps.
                      Best Regards.

                      Jorge Zamudio.


                      • #12
                        folowing what metroberlin told me on my last post; put a very down multiplier at light and full of light increasing dark multiplier.
                        Hi Silver.
                        Not quite understand with your statement. what is "full of light increasing dark multiplier" ?


                        • #13
                          that means increasing the dark multiplier in the color mapping rollout.
                          5 years and counting.


                          • #14
                            just another update of image

                            natal - brazil


                            • #15
                              This is looking great, many improvements, great progression. Would really love to see the "dirtyness" on the back cabinets be resolved... excellent photon work.

